El Cajon Valley Host Lions
April 1, 2013 33 Lions and 1 Guest
Lion President Bill Sturgeon opened the meeting at 12:30pm. Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth, Song Master, led our Lions in singing “God Bless America”. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by Lion PP Mark Clifton. Prayer & Invocation was given by Lion Christian Willie. Helen Keller Inspirational Quote of the Week was given by Lion Jeff Winters “The Highest result of education is tolerance”.
Lion IPP Don Anthony introduced Bret Moreau, grandson of Lion PP Bob Moreau. It was noted that this was Bret’s “42nd Visit” to our Lions Club!
Congratulations to Lion David Huntamer who received his official new Lions Badge!***Reminder to keep our City of Hope Cans filled***Our Lions Foundation Board Meeting tonight April 1st at 6pm Por Favor Restaurant***4L6 District Convention May 3-5 in Yuma with April 18th Registration deadline***City of Hope Visitation on Sunday April 7th—to sign up call Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay or Lion Christian Willie.
Congratulations to the following Lions with Birthday’s Month of April! Lion PP Bruce Boorman—April 11th***Lion Aaron George—April 11th***Lion PP Ray Hackworth—April 13th***Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth—April 19th**Lion PDG Len Blottin—April 21st
President, Kiley Grunstad—1st Vice President, Mercy Walters—2nd Vice President, Ray Ridlon—3rd Vice President, Van Willsey—Secretary, PP Gary Robinson—Treasurer, Paul Tremblay—Bulletin Editors, Mike Wasyliw, PP Phil Smith, PP Dick Rogers, PP Bruce Boorman—Tail twisters, Bob Acker, PP Bob Moreau—Lion Tamers, PP Jerry Hollingsworth, Arnold Martin—Greeters, PP Ron Paris, Sharie Hoops—Directors (One Year) Christian Willie, Jeff Winters—Directors (Two Years) Dick Nasif, Mike Raney—Membership, Mercy Walters, Paul Walters—Webmaster, Warren McKenna —Publicity, PP Dick Rogers—Immediate Past President, Bill Sturgeon. This is the 3rd and final announcement & posting of our El Cajon Valley Host Lions distinguished Slate of Officers for 2013-2014
3rd VP Ray Ridlon—Lions Foundation Board Meeting tonight will elect new trustees and a Foundation Chair. Funding /Grant Requests deadline was March 31, 2013. Initial requests go to the Lions Club, then to our Lions Foundation. Grant Requests will be reviewed at next Lions Board Meeting.
2nd VP Mercy Walters—two calls have been received for eyeglass assistance for review by Social Services Committee. Next Student Speaker Contest at the District Level will be held on April 27th 1:15pm at the San Diego Blind Community Center 310 Upas St. San Diego. District 4L6 Convention allows for 7 delegates and 7 alts to attend—for info see Lion PP Gary Sims.
1st VP Kiley Grunstad—Tickets! Please!! Help Sell!!! Summer Escape Drawing Gift of Travel worth $4200. Tickets are available at only $100.00 each.
Lion PP Ray Hackworth kicked off the Happy Dollars with his Happy Joke of the Week. Lion PP Gary Sims, Tail Twister collected the following Happy Dollars & Happy Fines: Lion Mike Wasyliw gave a Happy $5 for forgetting his Lions Vest last week and proudly wore his Lions Cap today. Lion Mike Carleton gave a Happy $5 for his trip to Boston to see a basketball game. Lion Mike also announced that new magnifying eyeglasses are available to our Lions for only a $10 donation—balance will be given to our Lions Sight Programs. Lion Christian Willie gave a Happy $10 for our City of Hope and willing to donate extra $20 for every Lion who would like to attend the City of Hope Visitation this Sunday April 7th. Lion PP Mark Clifton received his 15 Year Lions Chevron Pin and contributed a Happy $15 for 15 years. Lion PP Dick Rogers received his 35 Year Lions Chevron Pin and contributed a Happy $35 for 35 years. Lion Paul Walters gave a Happy $5 congratulating Lion David Huntamer for receiving his Lions Badge and promised assistance with the upcoming Lions Flag day event. Lion 1st VP Kiley Grunstad gave some Happy Dollars thanking fellow Lions for our Summer Escape Fundraiser Drawing & Happy to Be Here! Lion PP Ray Hackworth gave a Happy $30 for his Lions 30 year Chevron Pin and another Happy $5 for his unauthorized use of Clifton Motors Parking Lot??? Lion Sharie Hoops gave some Happy Dollars and mentioned that Lion PP Gary Sims was awarded the High Score at a recent Golf Tournament. Lion 3rd VP gave a Happy $20 for a nice weekend and upcoming 3 day bike ride with the missus next week!
Thanks to the following Lions who were winners of the Exempt Badge Auction: Lion PP Mark Clifton–$50.00, Lion PP Bob Moreau–$50.00 and Lion PDG Len Blottin. Reasons why they wanted to get their Exempt Badges to ward off some hefty Happy Dollar Fines included: Lion PDG Len Blottin has an upcoming cruise and birthday this month! Lion PP Bob Moreau is getting ready for a Hawaii vacation to celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary!
Lion PP George Hurst introduced Andrea Holmberg who is the Program Coordinator at Grossmont Hospital Senior Resource Center. Ms. Holmberg stated that she loves her work and has been employed 31 years at Grossmont Hospital . She gets the job done with her 25 volunteers through the Grossmont Hospital Auxiliary. The Senior Resource Center provides monthly health seminars & events, community education and a variety of other senior services open to the public.
Attendance Drawing Winner donated their winnings to the City of Hope Visitation . Fellow Lions are still welcome to sign up and caravan to the City of Hope Annual Visitation this Sunday April 7th. See Lion Paul Tremblay or Lion Paul Tremlay for information. It was good to see Lion Floyd Sorenson at today’s Lion Meeting!
And don’t forget that Lions pin you wear on your collar represents that you belong to the greatest service organization in the world…the El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club “2011-2012 District 4L6 large Lions Club of the Year!”