March 3, 2020 Members: 27 Guests: 14
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Opening: Prez Chris
Song Master: PP Gary Sims Song: God Bless America
Pledge of Allegiance: PP Bob Moreau Invocation: Paul Tremblay
Guests: Rusty (Mike R), Marie Turkle (Arnold), Dick Fisher, Cathy Bramwell, Susan Acker, Mary Moreau, Len Blottin Jr, PDG Bucky Blottin, Leona Black, Lori Tomlin (Phil S), Pat Boorman, Cassandra
Cadence and Abe Jr Muheize
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Don Anthony | Rod Streeper |
HELEN KELLER QUOTE by PP Bruce Boorman: ”
.Sec Paul Walters says 20 members will be receiving tenure chevrons in the next few weeks when District Governor Norm visits our club.
EXEMPT BADGE: Chris Bramwell $50 – apparently he has now purchased a Cadillac Escalade (but WHY?????)
Christian Wille 3/3 and Alyssa Dizon 3/26
GOOD CHEER: Celebration of Life for PP Marge Nelson will be held at the Elks Lodge on Friday March 20th 11AM. RSVP to PP Yvonne by March 16th (for catering purposes) call or email.
***Hope those missing from the meeting do not have the Coronavirus, the flu or a cold – if so our best wishes for you to get well real soon***
IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be conveyed to him/her. Paris4L6@cox.net 619/838-4262
CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS: *Unless otherwise noted all Meetings are Mon at Noon*
MAR 11th – ECVH LC Board Meeting at Elks Lodge 6PM – Conference Room
Mar 13-14th – 3rd Membership Meeting El Centro-Wyndham Travelodge
MAR 16th – Joint Meeting with ECV HS LEO Club 11:30AM in the Presentation Room. Pizza
MAR 29TH – 63rd Annual Lions Tribute Day at City of Hope – luncheon and tour (See Treas Paul) Streaming Webinair at
CityofHope.org/2020lionsday Sun 3/29/2020 9AM to 2PM
MAY 16th – ECVH LC Casino Night
June 20th – Tentative date for club Installation
JULY 31st – ECVH LC Day at the Races 4PM
PP RAY’S RAMBLINGS: A man who crashed his Harley, a buxom blonde to his rescue and a wife who would be very upset with his rescue.
HAPPY DOLLARS AND OTHER NONSENSE: PP/TT Bob Moreau had the basket tonight
Tom N $50 – 36th Wedding Anniversary
Mike R $5 – Happy to have a great program tonight
Don A $20 – for missing a few meetings
Len $? – Aztecs
Paul T $5 – oldest grandson just turned 9 and got a grand slam last week at his game
Mark C $? – ordered windows from Dave Huntamer’s Window Solutions have not been installed
Dick Fisher – “Living on Alcatraz”
Dick spent 3 ½ years on “The Rock” as a kid as his Dad was a guard. He entered the military after attending San Jose State College (now SJSU) and returned to the island and his family.
Dick gave an early history of the island dating back to 1769 when explorers were searching for 4 locations for light houses and in 1854 the lighthouse was built. In 1934 Alcatraz became a federal prison and in 1963 it was closed by then Attorney General Robert Kennedy and Alcatraz is now a national park.
There were 19 escape attempts by 44 inmates and D Block had the worst of the worst inmates.
The inmates would view the most current movies during the day and the resident families would view them at night. There was a 2-lane bowling alley under the officers quarters.
When Dick was In the 25-27 year old age range (1956-58) while living on the island, he said dating was a big hassle getting his date on the island and there was a very strict schedule for the passenger-carrying boats to and from the island.
Winner of Attendance Drawing: Don Anthony but he had already left so $50 next week
Winner of 50/50 Drawing: Bruce Borman $38
**Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***