February 18, 2019 Members: 33 Guests: 2
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Opening: Prez Jeff
Song Master: 1st Veep Chris Song: God Bless America
Pledge of Allegiance: Lion Rocco Collura Invocation: Lion Christian Wille
Helen Keller quote by PP Bruce Boorman: “Of all the senses, sight must be the most delightful.”
La Mesa President Tyson Eckel,
Abraham Muheize guest of 2nd Veep Mike Raney (2nd visit)
Good to See:
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Lion Rocco Collura and Lion Sandy Glas | PP Grant Thiem, Jr., |
.PP Yvonne gave an update on PP Ray Hackworth. Both he and Dorothy are residing comfortably at La Vida Real and PP Ray continues his therapy’s.
.PP Kiley..our club will host a Hospitality Suite at the District Convention in Yuma May 3-5.
.Sec Paul W tells us we will be having a joint luncheon with our LEO Club on March 25th at 11:30AM on the campus of El Cajon Valley High School in the Library.
Additionally Sec Paul read a Thank You letter from Claudine Spooner a recipient of our eye glass program. She was very thankful for our assistance.
.Treas Paul T gave an update on the financial health of our club. He has recently paid the City of El Cajon $3,000 for a park bench on the Promenade in downtown El Cajon. The bench will have a plaque with our name on it. We will receive $1,038 in the form of a Grant from LCIF toward the cost of the bench. All this to promote good will and get our name out in the community.
.PP Bob Moreau spoke of the upcoming Installation of next years officers. 1st Veep Chris wants to have a dinner cruise and so we will be on the Hornblower’s High Spirit. After much finagling the final cost per person will be $65.
.Prez Jeff says our City of Hope visit will be Sunday, March 31st in Duarte. Treas Paul says reservations have been made for 10 members to attend so see him if you are interested. Carpooling will be available and more info will come as we get closer to the event date.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU and the Birthday Song was ‘performed’ by the masses to:
Bob Moreau 2/1, Gary Robinson 2/8, Jim Nelson 2/10, Henry Coleman 2/11, Kiley Grunstad 2/13, Jeff Winters 2/19, Ray Ridlon 2/21, George Hurst 2/23, Ron Black 2/24, Mike Raney 2/28
EXEMPT BADGE: PP Ron Snow ended up with the badge as he and his lovely wife Garalyn will be celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary next month. The Badge is good for the remainder of February through the end of March.
IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be sent to them. Paris4L6@cox.net
CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS: *Unless otherwise noted all other Meetings are Mon at Noon*
MAR 5th – Night Meeting 6PM at Elks Lodge – meet on the back patio
MAR 9th – District Third Membership Meeting in Imperial Region. More details later
MAR 13th – Board Meeting Elks 6PM – come early for special $14 dinner 5:15PM
Mar 16th – Lions Eyes Across America-help sort eyeglasses at PP Len’s business. See Paul W
MAR 25th – Jt. Meeting with ECV High School LEO Club – campus library 11:30 AM.
3rd Veep Gary Zink:
PP Gary R announced our next visitation will be Wed March 27th at noon to North Park Lions, 3927 Utah St, San Diego.
2nd VP Mike Raney: No Report
1st VP Chris Bramwell: Chris thanked PP Bob M and PDG Len for their help in organizing the club Installation which will be held on June 29th aboard the cruise ship High Spirit. 1-4PM.
NOTE: Chris promised to never sing again!!! Yeah, right
Membership Chair Cathy Bailes: Committee meeting right after club meeting.
A thief entered a house mid-afternoon. He tied up the woman and at knife-point asked the man to hand over the jewelry and money. The man started sobbing and said, “You can take anything you want. You can kill me. But please untie the rope and free her.”
Thief: “You must really love your wife!” Man: “No, but she will be home shortly.”
HAPPY DOLLARS: Bob, The Hatchet Man, Acker circulated the basket today passing swiftly amongst the members who waited with baited breath to hand over their hard earned money.
Kiley $? Promoted the sale of Girl Scout cookies at last meeting and bragged that through the generosity of members his daughter and her friend sold 97 boxes, 31 of which went for Operation Thin Mint.
Len $5 good article in the SD Union featuring the wives of Ron Snow (Garalyn) and Kiley (Jolinda).
Paul W $5 good to see ‘new blood’ coming into the club with Abraham and good to see Rocco.
Grant JR $100 hasn’t been around the club much lately
Dolores $10 she won the last 50/50
Dick Nasif $? Purchased a new car – Ford, white (sounds pretty non-descript)
Gary Sims $20 the Oregon Ducks won and he won a couple of trifecta’s of $750 and $250 and then paid $20 for a new Toyota Avalon.
Cathy B $? Welcomed Abraham to our meeting
Mercy $? ????? just for being at the meeting I guess
Mike Raney $? Has a friend in Australia who just purchased a Volvo for $130,000 – that’s quite a difference in the Cost of Living Index with the USA.
Good or the Order: Dick Nasif brought up the possibility of changing our seating back to the arrangement we used on the dance floor – Pro: good for speakers using visuals Con: not as good for socializing. What do you think? Let Lion Dick know before the next Board Meeting.
UPCOMING PROGRAM: Feb 25th – ex-Padre Mark Grant Proposed topic “Sex after 50”.
Other websites to visit: LionsDistrict4L6; CALions.org; LionsClubs.org
Winner of Attendance Drawing: Len Blottin $40
Winner of 50/50 Drawing: Warren McKenna $77
And Lion Elisabeth brought a couple of her Pumpkin bread loafs and the winners were Sec Paul Walters and 1st Veep Chris Bramwell – YUM YUM
***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***