El Cajon Valley Host Lions
December 22, 2014 31 Lions and 2 Guests
*No Lions Meeting 12-29-14*
Lion President Mercy Walters opened the meeting at 12:30pm. Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth, Song master, led our fellow Lions & guests in singing “God Bless America”. The Pledge of Allegiance was given by Lion PP Bill Sturgeon. Prayer & Invocation was recited by Lion Dan Garrett. Helen Keller Quote of the Week was inspirationally given by Lion Carter Short.
Lion IPP Kiley Grunstad introduced our two guests: Dolores Galkowski, charming wife of Lion Frank and Brent Moreau, grandson of Lion PP Bob Moreau.
A Special Recognition and Certificate of Appreciation was given to Lion PP Tom Hoban for his great generosity to our El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club. A few of his recent generous endeavors include: usage of his business location to prepare our annual Lions Christmas Baskets, previously holding of Lions meetings in his warehouse office, underwriting Lions Hospitality Suite at Convention along with covering the refreshment costs, purchasing a large block of tickets for our Casino Night, very generous with his Happy Dollar donations….and the list goes on and on! Lion Tom expressed his gratitude for being honored as a Lion and looks forward to his 30th year Pin with the Lions.
Lion 3rd VP Roy “Rocco” Collura and Lion PP Don Anthony profusely thank all fellow Lions, LEO’s and the many guests who helped on our very successful Lions Christmas Baskets Drive on December 19th & 20th, We had 27 Lions, 11 LEO’s and 25 guests who helped on this remarkable event that provided 98 Christmas Baskets to needy families in the East County area. A Special Thanks to the following 27 Lions volunteers: Lion President Mercy Walters, Lion Secretary Paul Walters, Lion Mike Raney, Lion Mike Carleton, Lion 1st VP Ray Ridlon, Lion PP Ray Hackworth, Lion 3rd VP Rocco Collura, Lion PP Dick Rogers, Lion PP Gary Sims & wife Gail, Lion PP Gary Robinson, Lion PP Mark Clifton & wife Angel, Lion Chris Bramwell, Lion IPP Kiley Grunstad, Lion Bob Acker, Lion Ron Black, Lion PP Phil Smith, Lion 2nd VP Van Willsey & Diane, Lion PP Ron Paris, Lion PP Bob Moreau & grandsons Brent & Connor, Lion Arnold Martin, Lion David Huntamer & son Marley, Lion Dan Garrett, Lion PP Mark “Bloody Mary” Krause & Geri, Lion PP Ron Snow & wife Garalyn, Lion PP Roger Stebleton.
A Special Thanks to the following 11 LEO’s: Anita Lams, Jeffrey Rodriguez, Gustavo de Santiago, Denise Aparicio, Karen Sher, Contessa Telefani, Taylor Russell, Jesus Eder, Akila Scott, Tiarra Scott, Vanessa Frausto.
A Special Thanks to the following 25 guests (16 & 9 listed as Lions family guests) who helped: Jeff Cowan, Geri Aima, Malachi Wilson, Destinee Keawemalihili, James Daniel, Davin Daniel, Kevin Hoban, Dan & Linda Dion, Peter & Julie & Salvador & Elianna & Joseph Lupo.
Thanks also to Lion PP Bill Sturgeon for getting a pallet of food (98 cases of fruits & vegetables) for the Christmas Baskets.
Another Special Thanks goes to the workforce party ‘behind the scenes & in front of the scenes” that put in 85 hours of work on the gathering, organizing and getting the job done on a great Christmas Baskets Drive: Lion PP Don Anthony, Lion Roy “Rocco” Collura, Lion David Huntamer, Lion 2nd VP Van Willsey, Lion Carter Short, Lion PP Tom Hoban, Lion PP Dick Rogers, Lion PP Tom Normandie and Lion PP Gary Sims.
Kudo’s and Thanks to Lion PP Phil Smith and PP Dick Rogers for coordinating & chairing a great Lions Christmas Party on December 15th. It was one of the best ever with delicious food, good entertainment, and very well attended by Lions, family and friends. A Special Thanks to Lion PP Ron Snow, Lion PP Tom Hoban, Lion PP Ron Paris who each donated $500 to our Lions Christmas Baskets at the Party.
Lion Secretary Paul Walters reported that we will be dark/no meeting on December 29th and will meet next year on January 5th, 2015. Please turn in your Activity Reports by the end of this meeting. Citizen of the Year and joint Lions & Rotary Luncheon will be held on Monday February 3rd, Our distinguished and well deserved candidate for Citizen of the Year is Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth. Next Lions Board Meeting will be on Wednesday January 14th 6pm at Coco’s Restaurant.
Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth thanked all fellow Lions who participated in the Salvation Army Bell Ringing during the Holiday Season.
Lion Secretary Paul Walters, Membership Chair, reported that our ECVH Lions received the Club President’s Member Satisfaction Banner Patch Award from Immediate Past International President Barry J. Palmer for our outstanding membership, recruitment & retention efforts!
Lion PP Bob Moreau, Foundation Board Chair, reported that this year $35,000.00 will be distributed to charitable organizations applying for Lions grants. Lion PP Dick Rogers will head up the Charitable Giving Committee on the reviewing of grant proposal submittals.
1ST VP Ray Ridlon reported that we are looking at final confirmation of May 9th as best date for our Lions Gunsmoke Casino Night 2015.
2nd VP Van Willsey, absent. Lion Secretary Paul Walters, Student Speaker Chair, announced that our Lions Student Speaker Contest will be on Monday February 9th 6pm. We have 5 speakers from the LEO’s. Lion Joe Corsi will be the co-chair of the Speaker Contest and will take over the chairmanship next year—thanks for stepping up Lion Joe!
3rd VP Roy “Rocco” Collura, excused absence. Lion PP Don Anthony gave an update on our tremendously successful Christmas Baskets Drive (see above report).
Today’s Happy Dollars collection totaling $420.00 went to Gloria from Ranch Catering for her outstanding care & food services with Ranch Catering (our Lions Club food caterers). Lion PP Bob Moreau, Tail Twister, collected the following: Happy $10 from Lion Joe Corsi! Happy $20 from Lion 1st VP Ray Ridlon! Happy $20 from PP Jerry Holllngsworth! Happy $10 from Lion Mike Wasyliw! Happy $5 from Lion PP Ed Waymire & for his 11th grandchild! Happy $5 from Lion Kathy & Keith Bailes! Happy $100 from PP Tom Hoban and a thanks to Lion Bob Acker who covered 3 shifts at the Salvation Army Bell Ringing! And thanks to all fellow Lions not listed who gave some Happy Dollars! Our guest Dolores Galkowski gave a Happy $3 for a happy to be here today! Last week Lion PP Dick Rogers gave a Happy $100 for the Christmas Baskets which I missed acknowledging in our Bulletin. Lion PP Ray Hackworth gave a “fine free” good Joke of the Week!
Lion Mike Wasyliw was the featured guest speaker who shared some of his passion and enjoyment of hiking the 500 mile Camino de Santiago/Way of St. James Pilgrimage Hike which started in southern France and went across Spain ending at the cathedral and city of Santiago de Compostella in north western Spain. The Camino de Santiago trail has been hiked for the past 1200 years by million & millions of walkers for a variety of reasons that include; a sense of adventure, taking a long walk & enjoying nature, and doing a pilgrimage hike to the various sacred places and sites in France & Spain. This had been on Lion Mike’s Bucket List Adventures since his retirement 3 years ago.
Thanks to all Lions, family, friends & guests for the tremendous volunteer response on our Lions Christmas Baskets Drive that benefitted 98 families in the East County area.
Best wishes to Lion PP Ron Paris who is in the hospital after he was broadsided by a driver who ran a red light. No serious injuries other than bumps and bruises but still being kept in hospital for some additional tests. Lion Ron is at Grossmont Hospital in room 507 and you may visit or call him at cell 619. 368.9966
Good to see Lion Maral Poochigian at today’s meeting—you are much appreciated!
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays & a Prosperous New Year—along with a Happy Hanukkah and a Happy Kwanzaa to all our fellow Lions & families. Lions will not meet on Monday December 29th and will be back next year on January 5th.