Newsletter 07/23/2012


July 23, 2012                     36 Members    1 Visitor


Plenty of anticipation and excitement is in the air with the upcoming “Adopt A Street” Cleanup on July 28th, Lions Camp Jack Kick Off on July 29th and Day at the Races on August 3rd! Lion President Bill Sturgeon opened the meeting at 12:30pm. Opening Song “You’re a Grand Ole Flag” was led by Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Roy Collura. Prayer & Invocation was given by 2nd VP Mercy Walters. Inspirational Helen Keller Quote of the Week was eloquently given by Lion PP Tom Normandie.


Bonnie Stone, Daughter of Lion PP Stoney Stone, was the guest of honor announcing the upcoming 21st Anniversary of Stoney’s Kids on August 23, 2012 at Sycuan Resort 5:30pm. This event will also celebrate Stoney’s 87th Birthday. Bonnie Stone reported that over $50,000.00 is raised annually and spent locally for Stoney’s Kids. Lion PP Stoney wishes us a big hello and sorry that he is unable to make our Lions Meeting due to 3x per week dialysis treatments.


Lion 2nd VP Mercy Walters announced this Saturday’s 7:30am “Adopt a Street” that will meet at Clifton Mercedes and will do “two blocks of street cleanups”. Early signups include: Lion PP Mike Mortellaro, Lion Roy Collura and Lion Paul Walters.  PP Mercy reported that she tail twisted at the Lion District Installation Meeting & Dinner by assessing fines on the 1st Vice District Governor, 2nd Vice District Governor and the 3rd Vice District Governor for infractions that included “not knowing all new cabinet members, not familiar with motions/protocol and not fully addressing Lions with their correct current titles”. Lion Paul Walters presented two stunning photos of our Lion President Bill Sturgeon in a white tux who was recognized at the Installation Dinner Meeting and proudly displayed our El Cajon Valley Host Lions Banner at the event.

Lion 1st VP Kiley Grunstad report featured an update of Camp Jack given by Lion PP Ray Hackworth who indicated he has been visiting a lot of the local Lions Clubs to “drum up financial & volunteer support” for this year Camp Jack Programs kicking off this Sunday July 29th. 11am Lions will meet at the East County Boys & Girls Club to prepare sendoff of the kids to camp. Bus will leave at approx. 1:00-1:15PM. Lion Jeff Winters will bring a big truck to help load all the kids gears—a couple of Lions to help “load em up” would be appreciated. Youth will arrive at the Camp Oliver in Descanso at about 2pm. Two BBQ’s, one propane & one charcoal, will be set up at 4:30pm and begin to cook  by Lion Dick Nasif & his Lion Crew. By 6:00PM about 70 kids 9-10 year olds will be eating BBQ hot dogs & hamburgers. Tuesday & Wednesday’s Fishing Derby on July 31st and August 1st will have a muster of Lions at Lake Cuyamaca between 8am & 8:30am. Traditional Cane Poles will be used for this fishing derby. We are getting a good volunteer sign up response for July 31st, August 1st, August 7th & August 8th to help on the Fishing Derby to help teach fishing, how to put on a worm and help catch the big ones!


Awesome job by Lion Bob Acker in drumming up and collecting the Happy Dollars! Lion PP Gary Sims was sporting his “unique head gear” and gave a Happy $20, Lion Bob Acker gave a Happy $20 after being challenged to put on the Lion Gary’s head gear, Lion PP George Hurst was asked to give a Happy $100 for his Vegas Trip where he had $6800 in winnings, Lion PP Gary Robinson gave a Happy $20 for the Padres Night Game spent with 10 other Lions & Friends. Lion Mike Carleton gave a Happy $10 to take a photo of Lion Bob Acker with the “unique head gear”, Lion President Bill Sturgeon gave a Happy $20 for attending the District Installation Dinner, Lion PP Bob Moreau gave a Happy $5 for a photo opp of Lion Bob Acker, Lion PP Tom Normandie gave a Happy $1 for upcoming Birthday of PP Tom Hoban in Las Vegas, Lion PP Ron Paris gave a Happy $5 for another fun weekend at Fiesta Island, Lion PP Tom Hoban gave a Happy IOU for his upcoming big 60 Birthday Bash, Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay gave a Happy $5 for his Birthday on July 26th and his successful surgery, Lion Warren McKenna gave a Happy $5 & Happy $2 Bill for the Padres Night Game and continued poker winning’s & being on the Padres Big Screen with the Friar, Lion Roy Collura gave a Happy $5 for the Padres Game, Lion PP Mark Clifton gave a Happy $1 for a few missed meetings and signed a $20 pink slip for servicing Lion PP Ray Hackworth’s Mercedes, Lion PP Dick Rogers gave a Happy $5 for his mini vacation to Chula Vista with his granddaughter to do a little fishing, Lion Jeff Winters gave a Happy $20 for his trip to Montana “the big sky country”


Nancy Morris, Community Development Specialist, from Mission Federal Credit Union gave a lively & upbeat presentation on the history and benefits of being a member of a Credit Union.  Her presentation included: Credit Unions are member owned and started in the 1800’s when a group of German farmers pooled their monies to start a financial group co-op, do pretty much what banks do—with exception of large business loans, expenses are kept low to provide higher dividend rates. Mission Federal Credit Union takes great pride in being extremely involved in community outreach with the San Diego Chargers, the Art Walk & Arts, Junior Achievement “Biz Town”, Kids “Mission to Save for College”, etc. Nancy Morris commended our Lions “…you are a very spirited group” that does great things for the community along with having a lot of fun!

ATTENDANCE DRAWING was won by Lion Warren McKenna with a Kitty of $1200 (“just kidding”). We appreciate all our Lions great attendance! Don’t forget that pin you wear on your collar represents that you belong to the greatest service organization in the world…the El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club “2011-2012 Lion Club of the Year” You are much appreciated!

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