Newsletter 07/22/19


July 22, 2019    Members:7    Guests: 2

Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club


Opening: Prez Chris, and still no bell.

Song Master:  PP Jerry H                                            Song:  My Country Tis of Thee

Pledge of Allegiance: Mike Carleton                         Invocation:  Boni


Quote by PP Bruce Boorman: “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.  Nothing can be done without hope and confidence it.”



Alyssa Dizon  from First Republic Bank of La Mesa guest of Prez Chris.  Christopher Dale as our program.

Good to See: EVERYONE!



Dick Nasif – park bench unveiling/dedication will be about 1:30 next week at the Promenade,  after lunch at the Lodge.


Dick also had a humungous gavel for Pres. Chris and after much time investigating its’ whereabouts also presented our Pres. with his official gavel, unwilling to reveal his sources on who confiscated it at the first meeting.

Boni – has the signup sheet for the Salvation Army “Back to School Shopping Spree” on August 10th, 8-10AM at the El Cajon JC Penney’s store.

PP Bob Moreau – With PP Carl Ruiz accepting the position of 3rd Veep his position as a Director became available and Lion Fabian has agreed to fill that spot.  Congrats and thank you Lion Fabian for stepping up.



David Reed 7/4, Dolores Galkowski and

Ed Waymire 7/10, Mike Carleton 7/19, Paul Tremblay 7/26, Tom Hoban 7/31. 


EXEMPT BADGE(S): Chris, Terry, David K, Tom H and Paul T


GOOD CHEER:  Seems all is well but do keep PP Wally in your prayers.

IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be sent to them.


CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS:  *Unless otherwise noted all Meetings are Mon at Noon*

July 24th – El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation Meeting.  6PM Elks Lodge Conference Room

July 26th – ECVH LC Day at the Races (Del Mar) 4PM.  $25 See PP Gary Sims to sign up.

JULY 28th – El Cajon Valley Host LC BBQ at Camp Jack.  See Lion Dick Nasif to volunteer

July 28th – District 4L6 Installation 4-8PM at St Mark Golf Resort in San Marcos $45

July 30, 31 and Aug 1 – First week of fishing at Lake Cuyamaca for Camp Jack. 7AM

Aug 6, 7 and 8 – Second week of fishing at Lake Cuyamaca for Camp Jack.  7AM

Aug 6th – First Tuesday NIGHT MEETING 6PM

Aug 10th – Salvation Army Back to School Shopping Spree 8-10 AM at JC Penney’s.  See Boni

Aug 14th – ECVH LC Board Meeting Elks Lodge 6PM

Oct 5th – Club Picnic at Bramwell’s Estate



3rd VP Carl Ruiz: Per Gary Sims there are still 10 tickets left for $25

2nd VP Gary Zink: No Report

1st VP Mike Raney: No Report



 A guy goes into a bar and orders 6 double vodkas so the bartender inquires why so many and the man replies “I just found out my brother is gay.”  The next day same guy comes in and makes the same order and the bartender again asks why and the guy replies “I just found out my other brother is gay also”.  Next day, same order and the bartender asks “Doesn’t anyone in your family like women?” to which the guy replies “Yes, my wife!”.



Bob “the Hatchet Man” Acker took up the basket and searched the room for money.

Chris $5 is generally pretty happy today and he’s glad PP Phil is back from ‘camping’.

Bob Acker $25 from his 50/50 win last week.  He also had a check for $100 from Jim and Pat Kell. 

Bob Groff $5 Happy to be here today

Phil S $20 had a great time on the Caribbean trip but because Prez Chris mandated that PP Phil and his girlfriend have 2 separate rooms it cost him more than he expected.

Dick ? Nearly didn’t return from his Kern River rapids adventure – he got thrown from the raft on one of the falls.

Boni ? Happy to be in a group that does good things

Cathy B $10 Welcome to our guest Alyssa and hope she’ll consider joining our ranks.

Tom H ? Hobans and Thiems flew to Cabo then to Buena Vista then La Paz – he did not take the 63-70′ yacht as originally planned.



Christopher Dale singer/songwriter and 11 time San Diego Music Awards Nominee. He has just returned from a tour through 30 states and over 11,000 miles.  He enjoys entertaining at several senior facilities for memory care, playing and singing the old songs to help the patients remember.  He started his career at the Mission Beach Beachcomber Bar and Grill.

Christopher entertained us with some golden oldies aand some songs he wrote himself.  He played some special requests – Sweet Caroline sing-along then


Pres. Chris joined in joined in on the Proud Mary sing-along replete with all the ‘moves’.

If you want to hear more of Christopher’s music his band, The Rabbit Hole, is sponsoring a music festival on Aug 10th with more live music and great artists from Austin, TX on Mission Bay from 2PM on.  Check out for more information. Thanks to 1st Veep Mike Raney for bringing this different and very enjoyable program to us.

UPCOMING PROGRAM: 8/12 Cheryl Wilson from St Paul’s


Other websites to visit:  LionsDistrict4L6;;


Winner of Attendance Drawing:  Phil Smith $30 – donated to City of Hope

Winner of 50/50 Drawing: Yvonne Paris $63 – donated $20 to City of Hope


***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***



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