newsletter 06/24/13

El Cajon Valley Host Lions

June 24, 2013      32 Members and 3 Guests


Lion President Bill Sturgeon opened the meeting at 12:30pm. Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth, Songmaster, led our Lions in singing “God Bless America”. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Arnold Martin. Prayer & Invocation was given by Lion PP Mark Clifton. Helen Keller Quote of the Week was inspirationally given by Lion Mike Raney.


Lion IPP Don Anthony introduced guests who included: Monica Zech—Public Information Officer City of El Cajon, Doug Anders–visitor from Montana and guest of Lion PP Bob Moreau and John Kerr—guest speaker, who will be doing a presentation on How to Build an Airplane.


PP Lion Secretary Gary Robinson reported that the Newtown Connecticut Lions Club is trying to raise $1.3 million dollars for needed counseling fees, etc. after the recent mass shooting. This request will be reviewed at our next upcoming Lions Board Meeting.

Nice Thank You Notes were received from Stoney’s Kids for our Lions recent donation of $4000, Guide Dogs of the Desert, El Cajon Valley High School LEO’s for our Scholarship Donations and Cajon Valley School District for supplies & equipment related to eye testing, etc.

Lion President Bill Sturgeon thanked our fellow Lions for their weekly donations for the City of Hope Cans.


3rd VP Ray Ridlon, excused absence. Wishing him well on his cross country bike trip!

2nd VP Mercy Walters reported that there was one request for eyeglasses and exam. Our Adopt a Street Community Cleanup will be held this Saturday June 29th meeting at Clifton Motors at 7:30am.

1st VP Kiley Grunstad reported that he will be flying to Germany next week on July 3rd to attend the International Lions Club Convention. There will be a Lions Parade in Hamburg which will require a specific parade uniform and attire. Will take plenty of pictures to share, along with a detailed report of the convention.

Lion Mike Raney gave an update on our LEO’s Heather Pickalow and two other students who received our Lions Scholarships.

Monica Zech, Public Information Officer of the City of El Cajon reported that our city will be honoring people who volunteer 100 hours or more of their time for the public good. A volunteer log form can be accessed on El Cajon. Com with deadline to register by December 12th.  Ms. Zech also gave an update and schedule of the upcoming Cajon Classic Cruise which are held every Wednesday April 24th to September 25th from 5-8pm on the corner of Main Street & Magnolia Avenue and the Free Concerts and discounted fine dining every Friday night from May 3 through September 27th. It’s always good to see Monica Zech pay us a visit!

Lion Webmaster Warren McKenna received his Presidential Award Recognition Certificate from Lion President Bill Sturgeon for his fine work on our Lions Website!

Lion PP Ray Hackworth gave an update on the upcoming Camp Jack summer program. The Lake Cuyamaca Fishing Camp will be held on July 23rd, 24th, 30th & 31st starting at 8:30am—sign-up sheets were passed around by Lion Van Willsey—Fishing Camp Sign up Coordinator. Lion Ray asked for 5-6 Lion Helpers to teach the kids how to fish and yell “hook up!” when the kids catch a fish! Camp Jack Kickoff BBQ will be held on Sunday July 21st with master chef Lion Dick Nasif and new assistant chef Lion Dave Huntamer. Set up for the BBQ will be around 4-4:30pm with dinner starting at 6pm. All Lions are invited to attend and help with the cooking & serving & meeting the new campers!

Lion PP Ray Hackworth reported that the Lions Past Presidents Committee met last week and compiled a Past Presidents Questionnaire to grill our soon to be PP Bill Sturgeon. There were no trick questions and President Bill was a good sport and passed the test with flying colors and was officially welcome to our Lions Past President’s Committee!


Lion PP Ray Hackworth, Jokemaster, shared his Joke of the Week to kick off our Happy Dollars & Happy Fines. Lion PP Gary Sims, Tail twister collected the following Happy Dollars. Lion Paul Walters gave a Happy $5 thanking fellow Lions who helped with the set up and take down at our Lions Installation Dinner! Our Lions Vest Day was proclaimed for our last Monday of month meeting asking all fellow Lions without vests to make a $2.00 Happy Dollar donation. Lion PP Gary Robinson gave a Happy $25 for his temporary absences (due to his work schedule) and glad to make this meeting and missing his vest! Lion Christian Willie gave a Happy $5 for a great weekend and looking forward to hearing our featured speaker talk about airplanes! Lion Mike Raney gave a Happy $5 for opportunity to be more tolerant & patient during the summer months—especially since school is out! Lion PP Roger Stebleton gave an initial Happy $5 for being gone 4 months to beautiful Costa Rica—his fine was not accepted and Lion Roger responded with a generous Happy $50! Lion PP Gary Sims gave a Happy $2 for his concert tour with Mac Donald and Boz Skaggs—Boz still has a great singing voice! Lion Earl Irey, Lion of the Year, gave a Happy $5! Lion PP Bob Moreau gave a Happy $5 for his golf trip in Palm Springs which included a group of our fellow Lions! Lion PP Ray Hackworth gave a Happy $20 that included thanks for fellow members signing up for the Camp Jack program and a friend who won a golf tournament last week! Lion Dick Nasif gave a Happy $1 for his Palm Spring golf outing with Lion PP Bob Moreau and fellow Lions! Lion PDG Len Blottin gave a Happy $5 for a Lions grandson who hit a Grand Slam at an All Star Little League game! Lion Van Willsey gave a Happy $10 for a no vest! Doug Anders, guest of PP Bob Moreau, gave a Happy $5 glad to be at this Lions meeting! Lion Bob Acker gave a Happy $5 for continued good bass fishing at El Cap and missing his vest!


Guest Speaker John Kerr was introduced by Lion IPP Don Anthony. John shared his love and passion for airplanes which started very early when he was growing up! Mr. Kerr reminisced about his occupation as an aircraft mechanic and school teacher and his hobby of building model airplanes! One of his model airplanes was powered by a car model T car engine that had its radiator right in front of the pilots viewing area! All of the airplane models were built from a picture and drawings that took up to 4 years to create by hand.


Lion President Bill Sturgeon “Passed the Torch &  Handed the Gavel”  to incoming Lion President Kiley Grunstad. A Special Thanks to Lion President Bill Sturgeon and his incredible team for a very successful and great Lion Year! And a Special & Heartfelt Thank You to all of our fellow Lions for all that you have done in making our El Cajon Valley Host Lions a great service organization in our community!!

Attendance Drawing was won by Lion PP Elmer Vierkant.

Yes, we will be meeting on Monday July 1st and wishing you ‘all a Happy 4th of July holiday.

And don’t forget that Lions pin you wear on your collar represents that you belong to the greatest service organization in the world…the El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club “2011-2012 large Lions Club of the year!”

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