June 14, 2021 Members: ? Guests: 5+
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Opening: Prez Mike
Song Master: Chris Song: God Bless America
Pledge of Allegiance: Ed Waymire Invocation: Mark Clifton
Mitch D’Arlon and Jose Cruz – SD Downtown Lions; Kim Gibbins – North Park Lions; Kim Danker and Carrie Lindon with Fraya
GOOD TO SEE: Newbie Keith MacArthur and, Warren McKenna, Van Willsey
HELEN KELLER QUOTE by: Bruce Boorman
“Every one of us is blind and deaf until our eyes are opened to our fellowmen, until our ears hear the voice of humanity.”
.We will be DARK on Monday July 5th.
.Gary S thanked those who participated in our Flag Day program last Friday – Walt Simmons, Paul Walters, Gary “Nice Gary” Robinson and Gary “Crazy Gary” Sims.
Sec Paul reported that Lions Learning Day produced 90 attendees including a few from ECVH LC
Yvonne Paris 6/3, Gary Sims 6/4, Cathy Bailes 6/10, Tony Forchette 6/13, Cathy Zieman 6/16, Jason Taub 6/24, Grant Thiem and Jay Jacobson 6/26.
Hope those missing from the meetings are not ill but if so our best wishes for you to get well real soon.
IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be conveyed to him/her. Paris4L6@cox.net 619/838-4262
July 8th – ECVH LC Board Meeting 6PM Elks Lodge Conference Room
July 15th – ECVL Foundation Board Meeting 6PM Elks Lodge Conference Room
July 25 – Lions Camp Jack at Whispering Winds in Julian (1st and only week this year). Fishing Tues, Wed and Thursday. BBQ by El Cajon Valley Host Sun 7/25????
July 30th – El Cajon Valley Host Lions “Day at the Race” 4PM Sign-up sheets available See PP Gary Sims
Oct 9th – ECVH LC Picnic at PP Chris’ country estate 1PM
1st Veep Rob Ransweiler: Continues to work on his Chairs and to plan Installation
2nd Carl Ruiz: MIA
3rd Veep Fabian Vereda:
Gary S passed out info and sign-up sheets for El Cajon Valley LC “Day at the Races” on July 30th. Parking passes are required and must be purchased in advance of the event. Go to www.dmtc.com/groupsales-parking . Cost of a pass is $10 for General and $25 for Valet. Admission gate opens at 2:30PM and 1st race is 4PM. Food and beverages will be available.
Membership Chair Cathy Bailes: No Report
PP RAY’S RAMBLINGS: Hospital regulations and a man leaving his wife at the hospital. Cute!
HAPPY DOLLARS AND OTHER NONSENSE: TT Bob “Hatchet Man” Acker at the helm.
.Gary S $5 forgot to mention the ECVLions Foundation Board Meeting (see calendar)
.Jim N $5 his deck is improving
.Rob $ at Lions Learning Day he met with a La Mesa Lion and hopes to do a joint project AND his 17 y.o. son is graduating 8th grade and will be his Class Valedictorian – CONGRATS
.Yvonne $5 Happy to have our esteemed guests join us today
.Chris $50 bought a new Audi sports car AND had a meeting with the IRS and told them Nasif purchased a $28,000 Rolex and wondered if they had investigated the income required to do so
.Ed W $10 Happy to be here and told a good story about his 7yr. old granddaughter.
.Mike Raney $5 he forgot to call on PP Ray for his ‘ramblings’ and proceeded to do so.
AND we gave away money:
From our foundation:
.Lions Project Canine Companions for Independence $5,000 check accepted by Kim, Carrie and Fraya (puppy in training).
.San Diego Center for the Blind $4800 check accepted by Executive Director Kim Gibbens
From our club:
.San Diego Council on Literacy $2300 check accepted by CEO Jose Cruz
.Lions Camp Jack $6317 check accepted by board member Mitch D’Arlon
June 21st Susan White, President, Sight and Hearing Foundation Board
Winner of Attendance Drawing: Mercy Walters MIA so next week $30
Winner of 50/50 Drawing: Paul Walters $60
**Remember the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust**