March 18, 2019
Members: 34 Guests: 3
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Opening: Prez Jeff
Song Master: PP Jerry Hollingsworth Songs: My Country Tis of Thee
Pledge of Allegiance: PP Phil Smith Invocation: Lion Christian Wille
Helen Keller quote by PP Bruce Boorman:
“The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart.”
Guests: Kaylyn Gonzales guest of PP Phil, Abraham Muheize guest of 2nd Veep Mike Raney, Cindy Marquette President of Spring Valley Lions Club, and Starr Cooke guest of 1st Veep Chris.
Good to See: PP Tony Forchette and looking great very refreshed.
.Sec Paul reminded us that next Monday, March 25th we meet at 11:30 AM at El Cajon Valley High School in their Library for a Joint Meeting with our LEO Club.
.Also Sec Paul is Chair of our District’s Lions Eye Across America (LEAC) thanked Lion Rod Streeper, PDG Len and PP Gary Robinson for their help in sorting and counting 17,000 eyeglasses last weekend.
.Spring Valley Lion Cindy invited everyone to the Spring Valley LC Fashion Show, Luncheon and Silent Auction to be held at the Elks Lodge 11AM on April 6th -$25. Her contact # is 619/929-1612
.Nominating Committee is looking for officers for next years Board and Third Vice President in particular. Time to step up and have some real fun. See PDG Len if you’re interested.
.Treas Paul gave updated financial information for the club (see reverse for Board Meeting details). The Club is subsidizing the upcoming Installation over $5,000 to the keep cost down.
DG Mercy presented PP Tony with a silver Centennial Award pin from LCI. Additionally she was presented with the Diamond version of the same pin.
President Jeff took a poll and it was agreed by the majority to maintain the current table configuration for meetings. Rather than going back to the small rectangular tables on the dance floor which we endured awhile. Everyone seemed more interested in the comradery the current configuration offers.
.DG Mercy inducted Abraham Muheize as our newest “Newbie’ – Welcome Aboard!
Christian Wille 3/3, Rocco Collura 3/8, Marge Nelson 3/30
EXEMPT BADGE: PP Ron Snow and PP Mark Clifton
GOOD CHEER: Lion Dick Nasif reported that Jim Sing had heart surgery last Wed and all is well. He is at Scripps La Jolla for those wishing to visit. Also PDG Len said PDG Bucky is still in the hospital after an 8 hour surgery to remove 40% of her liver last Wed. If she behaves perhaps she will be able to come home yet this week.
IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be sent to them. Paris4L6@cox.net
CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS: *Unless otherwise noted all Meetings are Mon at Noon*
Mar 20th – NE Region Student Speakers Contest at Grossmont Healthcare District Auditorium 9001 Wakarusa in La Mesa behind Grossmont Hospital 5:30PM
MAR 25th – Jt. Meeting with ECV High School LEO Club – campus library 11:30 AM.
Mar 31st – ECVH LC to City of Hope – See Treas Paul T
APRIL 2nd – First Tues evening meeting 6PM Elks Lodge
APRIL 10TH – Board Meeting in Conference Room 6PM
May 3rd – 4th District Membership Meeting in Yuma.
May 4th-5th – District Convention in Yuma. See PP Yvonne for registration and details.
May 18th – ECVH LC Installation of Officers. 80 spots filled now have a Waiting List.
July 26th – ECVH LC Day at the Races (Del Mar) 4PM. More details to come from PP Gary Sims
3rd Veep Gary Zink: Progress
2nd VP Mike Raney: Progress
1st VP Chris Bramwell:
Treas Paul reports he has the tickets for Gunsmoke IX. Posters and flyers are available also.
City of Hope tour and lunch sign up sheet is available at meetings. 2 openings remain.
Chris reports 80 people have signed up for our Installation and there now a Waiting List only.
Membership Chair Cathy Bailes:
A recent study found that the average golfer walks about 900 miles a year.
Another study found golfers drink, on average, 22 gallons of alcohol a year, which means, on average, golfers get about 41 miles to the gallon.
Kind of makes you proud. I almost feel like a hybrid
Jerry put his drawing tickets in the basket as did Gary Z
Dolores $5 ???
Cathy B $? They won $257 in Vegas, loved the Cher show and had a great time. And another $5 for Newbie Lion Abraham.
Bob G $5 read a book on how to beat the slots and it worked!
Paul W $10 for his 3 great helpers with LEAC last weekend.
Bob A paid $10 for Gary Z’s tickets
Rob R $5 he bought $5 worth of tickets with a $10 bill but Lion Elizabeth never returned his change so he said donate it.
Mike R $5 for a safe Spring Training trip
Gary S $? Went to an Aztecs basketball game in Las Vegas (they beat Nevada) and he lost $300 but stayed at Bailey’s and saw Tom N and Tom H. Apparently Tom H won a HUGE amount of money at the tables – we’ll find out next week. And Gary donated $100 to our speakers project, the East County Transitional Living Center.
Chris, not to be outdone by anyone donating money, promptly gave Kaylan $105 for her project the ECTLC.
PP Phil introduced Lion Rob who has been through the Chambers “Leadership East County’ program. Rob in turn introduced Kaylan Gonzales who is currently in the program and her class is doing a health and human services project with East County Transitional Living Center. The Center is In need of new socks, toiletries, towels, etc. Kaylan said anything donated would be very much appreciated. See above Happy $ for Gary Sims and Chris Bramwell – many Thanks.
Other websites to visit: LionsDistrict4L6; CALions.org; LionsClubs.org
Winner of Attendance Drawing: Arnold Martin $20
Winner of 50/50 Drawing: Chris Bramwell $81
***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***
Thank You to PP Gary Robinson, PDG Len Blottin, and Rod Streeper for helping to sort and count 17,926 used eyeglasses on Saturday, March 16, El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club LEAC Chair Paul Walters