El Cajon Valley Host Lions
December 3, 2012 37 Members and 3 Guests
Lion President Bill Sturgeon opened the meeting at 12:30pm with Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth, Songmaster, leading our Lions in singing “…you’re a grand ole flag”. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by Lion PP Hugh Cowan. Prayer & Invocation was given by Lion 2nd VP Mercy Walters. Inspirational Helen Keller Quote of the Week was given by Lion PP Dick Rogers.
Lion IPP Don Anthony introduced our three (3) guests that included: David Huntamir from Window Solutions and here for his 5th visit, Holly Caintic—representative from Senator Joel Anderson’s Office and Garry Jones—Spring Valley Lions/ Lions Northeast Region Chair.
El Cajon Valley Lions Board Meeting will be held on December 13th—all Lions are invited and welcome to attend. Keep our City of Hope Cans filled during this Holiday Season. An informal gathering to celebrate the life of Gil Buxton will be held at 793 Vista Grande Road, El Cajon, on Sunday, December 9th between 1and 5pm.
December Birthday Congratulations included: Lion Dick Nasif—December 9th, Lion Warren McKenna—December 15th, Lion Martin Jaquez—December 16th and Lion PP Mark Clifton—December 22nd.
Our guest, Holly Caintic invited all Lions & friends to Senator Joel Anderson’s Holiday Open House at the DoubleTree Hotel 14455 Penasquitos Drive, San Diego Ca.92129 on Wednesday December 5, 2012 from 6-8pm for info and RSVP contact the California Senate District Office at 619.596.3136. or www.sen.ca.gov/818/winteropenhouse2012. There will be free hors d’oeuvres & refreshments for all.
Lion Warren McKenna, Website Master, expressed his thanks to all Lions who have placed their business ads on our El Cajon Valley Lions website www.ecvlionsclub.com.
Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth, chair of the Lions “Bell Ringing” for the Salvation Army announced that there were still a couple of slots open for Saturday December 15th time slots of 5pm and 6pm—see Lion Jerry if you would like help. Recommendations for Citizen of the Year nominations are due by December 21st—see Lion Christian Willie, Chair.
Lion PP Ray Hackworth reported that his “We Miss You” Postcards sent to our fellow Lions have been pretty effective. Lion Ray also shared his Joke of the Week to keep us all in good humor.
Lion Northeast Region Chair, Garry Jones reported that all is going well in the Lions Northeast Region and that he’s always happy to attend our Lions Luncheon Meetings.
3rd VP Ray Ridlon—Christmas Baskets chair, Lion Roy “Rocco” Collura gave an update on December 22nd packing and distribution of 40+ Christmas Baskets. Lion volunteers needed to help at 8am on morning of December 22nd, 46 trays of 1.5 dozen eggs have been ordered from Hilliker Egg Ranch along with Turkeys and more intense shopping will be done on December 19th. Fifteen (15) Leo’s with Lion Mike Raney & Lion Mike Carleton will do lots of the basket packing.
El Cajon Valley Lions Christmas Party will be held on December 17th –contact Lion PP Phil Smith chair if you have any questions or contact Lion PP Dick Rogers if you plan on attending and RSVP.
Lion Mike Carleton, LEO’S Chair, gave an update report on our El Cajon Valley Lions LEO’s who will be at a Santee Lakes Christmas Holiday Event on December 9th, Rose Bowl Parade participants on December 15th and helping on our Lions Christmas Baskets on December 22nd.
2nd VP Mercy Walters reported that Adopt a Street Community Cleanup will not be held this month of December and will resume in January 2013. Lion Van Willsey, Chair of Eyeglass/Sight Program gave an update on December 11th Home Town Event where 25+ kids will get eye exams along with Santa Bill (Sturgeon) who will entertain at the event. Lion volunteers are requested to show up at 8:30am at Lens Crafters at the Parkway/Westerfield Shopping Center.
1st VP Kiley Grunstad reported that he would be traveling to Germany for the upcoming International Lions Convention and has booked the trip with Lion Mike & Cindy’s Travel Agency—at a considerable savings of over $400.
Lion Tail Twister, Bob Acker, collected bushel baskets of “Jolly Dollars” or Happy Dollars & Fines designated for our Lions Christmas Baskets Fund. Lion President Bill Sturgeon gave a Jolly $20 for our Jolly Christmas & Holiday Season!. Lion PP Roger Stebleton gave a Jolly $20 for the Christmas Baskets. Lion Paul Walters gave a Jolly $5 for attending a couple of elite parties. Lion PP Hugh Cowan gave a Jolly $100 for missing a few of our Lions parties—welcome back & you were missed! Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay left a check with Lion Treasurer Gary Robinson for a Jolly $50 for the Christmas Baskets and to honor his daughter with soon to come birth of a new baby. Lion Treasurer PP Gary Robinson gave a Jolly $25 for the Lions Christmas Baskets. Lion PP Hugh Cowan’s church gave a Jolly $200 for our Lions Christmas Baskets. Lion 3rd VP Ray Ridlon gave a Jolly $100 for the Christmas Baskets. Lion PP Mike Mortellaro gave a generous Jolly donation for our Christmas Baskets and a “…very happy to be here!” Lion Mike showed his helmet with a “big gash crease” that prevented a possible major head injury. Lion Mike made a strong plea to make sure you, your kids, your grandkids and your loved ones “always” wear a protective helmet when riding a bike—whether it’s a trike, a pedal bike or even a Harley! Lion PP Ron Paris gave a Jolly $5 for not getting the time to see the Chargers—with another tough loss! Lion PDG Len Blottin gave a Jolly $20 for the awesome Aztecs Basket Ball Team. Lion Sharie Hoops gave a Jolly $5 for the Christmas Basket. Lion IPP Don Anthony gave a Jolly donation for his incredible Aztecs! Lion PP Gary Sims gave a Jolly $5 for his awesome Aztecs! Lion Ron Black gave a Jolly $25 to the Christmas Baskets. Potential Lion and Awesome Guest, David Huntamir from Window Solutions gave a Jolly $100 for the Christmas Food Baskets. Lion PP Bruce Boorman gave a Happy $50 for the Christmas Baskets and encouraged Lion 2nd VP Mercy Walters to match his $50 for not wearing her Lions Hat….Lion Mercy replied with an emphatic“…in your dreams!” Lion Jim Sing gave a Jolly $20 and expressed that he was glad to hear that Lion PP Mike Mortallero was wearing his helmet during his recent bike accident! Lion Mike Buchanan gave a Jolly $5 donation expressing his thanks to Lion 1st VP Kiley Grunstad for the opportunity to book his Lions Trip to Germany—and my understanding…along with a pretty good cost savings! Lion Felina Balistreri gave a Jolly $25 for the Food Basket and expressed that she was happy to be at our meeting! Lion PP Phil Smith gave a generous Jolly $100 for the Christmas Food Baskets. Lion PP Dick Rogers gave a Jolly $20 for the great Aztec teams! Lion Frank Galkowski gave a Jolly $5 for his winning Aztecs! Last week Lion Frank Galkowski gave a designated Happy $20 for the Christmas Baskets Fund—sorry about the oversight from Bulletin Editor Mike Wasyliw and thanking all fellow Lions for bringing to his attention any corrections, errors, omissions, constructive feedback both positive & negative, etc. about the Lions Bulletin Newsletter***Thanks to all your awesome generous Jolly Happy Dollars donations this week (and designated donations past couple of weeks) that will benefit our Lions Christmas Baskets Fund!!***Was told that a quick tally indicated we raised over $1100 in Jolly Dollars this week for our Lions Christmas Baskets Fund!!!
Auction of the two Exempt Badges (with proceeds going to the Christmas Baskets Fund) were given to the two highest bidders Lion Warren McKenna and Lion Bob Acker for $50 each.
Randy Stein from the Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation of Southern California was our featured speaker. The Sight & Hearing Foundation funds much needed Cataract Surgeries for persons who are disadvantaged along with many seniors on fixed incomes. Mr. Stein recommended that our Lions Club consider splitting our used eyeglasses donation program to benefit the Friends in Sight Program where used glasses are donated to needy Southern California recipients as well as our usual eyeglass collections that are sent out of the United States to fill the great need overseas. During the past year the Foundation has added much needed Hearing Aids and Hearing Testing to its outreach funding.
Attendance Drawing winner was Lion Bob Acker which he re-donated to our Christmas Baskets Fund. Glad to see Lion PP Mike Mortallero back on his feet and at our Lions Meeting—hope that you will be back in the saddle soon and enjoying the pleasures of biking! Memorial Service for Reola Bush, wife of PP Gordon Bush will be held this Friday December 7th at 2pm at El Cajon Mortuary. And, don’t forget that Lions Pin you wear on your collar represents that you belong to the greatest service organization in the world…The El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club “2011-2012 District 4L6 large Lions Club of the Year!”