Newsletter 11/26/12

El Cajon Valley Host Lions

November 26, 2012        37 Members and 1 Guests


Lion Acting President Kiley Grunstad opened the meeting at 12:30pm. Lion President Bill Sturgeon was out of town on business. Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth, Songmaster, led our Lions in singing “…you’re a grand ole flag”. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by Lion Secretary PP Gary Robinson. Prayer & Invocation giving Thanks & Gratitude was given by Acting President Kiley Grunstad. Helen Keller Inspirational Quote of the Week was recited by Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay.


Lion IPP Don Anthony introduced our guest David Huntingmen from Window Solutions who was here for his fourth visit and has submitted his Lions Membership Application.


December 11th “Home Town” Eyeglass Event—come by at 8:30am wearing you vests or shirts and welcome the kids needing eye exams or glasses—see chair Lion Van Willsey ***December 14 & 15th Lions “Bell Ringers” for Salvation Army at Los Coches Wal-Mart—still some slots open to volunteer on December 15th from 1-6pm see chair Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth.***December 17th Holiday Christmas Party—49 sign ups (could still use more kids & grandkids signups) see chair Lion PP Dick Rogers.***December 22nd Lions Christmas Baskets—see chair, Lion Roy “Rocco” Collura if you’d like to help.***No Meetings/Dark for December 17th (no Luncheon Meeting), December 24th and December 31st. ***Happy Dollars & Happy Dollar Fines collected during the first 2 weeks of December will benefit our Lions Christmas Baskets Drive.


3RD VP Ray Ridlon reported that planning for Christmas Party and Christmas Baskets Drive is going well.

2nd VP Mercy Walters reported that Student Speaker Contest will be held on January 28th. Adopt a Street Cleanup will be cancelled in December and will resume after the New Year. Membership Recruitment Booth at the El Cajon Centennial had several persons express interest in possibly joining our Lions Club. Lion Mercy will follow up and invite these prospects to our upcoming Lions Luncheons. Also, at the Centennial several inquiries were made about the Lions Eyeglass Program. Requests and referrals for eye exams/eye glasses will be coordinated by chair, Lion Van Willsey.

1st VP Kiley Grunstad requested that all Lions keep our City of Hope Cans filled. Kudo’s to the Lions Bulletin Team—Lion Mike Wasyliw, Lion PP Phil Smith, Lion PP Bruce Boorman—for an awesome Lions Bulletin Newsletter!


Lion PP Ray Hackworth kicked off our Happy Dollars with his Joke of the Week about a patient asking for a sponge bath….”are my test results back!”

Lion Tamer, PP Gary Sims collected a voluminous array of Happy Dollars & Happy Fines from the following Lions: Lion IPP Don Anthony gave a very generous Happy $100 designated for Christmas Baskets along with a “go go Aztecs!! Lions Paul and 2nd VP Mercy Walters gave a generous Happy $50 designated for the Christmas Baskets. Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay gave a Happy $5 for forgetting his Lions Vest and encouraged all Lions with missing vests to contribute a Happy 5. Lion Sharie Hoops gave a designated Happy $5 for Food Basket for wearing no vest. Lion Acting President Kiley Grunstad gave a Happy $5 for missing vest. Lion ________gave a designated Christmas Basket Happy $20 for no vest and being on vacation the past week. Lion Roy “Rocco” Collura gave a very generous Happy $100 for his Lions Christmas Basket Drive. Lion 2nd  Mercy Walters gave a Happy $2 for all fellow Lions. Lion PP Tom Hoban gave a very generous Happy $100 designated for Christmas Baskets along with sharing story of going to the Chargers game –leaving a bit early to beat the traffic, with the Chargers winning…and getting home to hear the sad news of another tough loss! Lion 3rd VP Ray Ridlon gave a Happy $5 for the winning Aztec’s! Lion PP George Hurst was requested to cough up some Happy Dollars and responded that he is on a tight budget and “needed some new shoes”—Lion George will be referred to our Lions Social Services Chair to evaluate his request! Lion PDG Len Blottin gave a Happy $5 for the Chargers tough loss and expressed interest in becoming a 49’ers fan! Lion PP Mark Clifton gave a very generous designated Happy $100 for Christmas Baskets and requested his no vests fees & fines be waived until the end of this year.


Lion PP George Hurst, Speaker Chair introduced Carroll Rice from the El Cajon Historical Society who spoke on the rich and fascinating history of El Cajon.  Mr. Rice invited all Lions & family & friends to visit the Knox House Museum every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month. Did you know that not long ago El Cajon was a fertile area growing luscious grapes and citrus fruit? The Knox House was built in 1976 and a couple of years later there were 25 families in the El Cajon Valley area—we have come a long way in celebrating El Cajon’s 100th Birthday!


Attendance Drawing was drawn by our speaker Carroll Rice with winner Lion Bob Acker who re-donated the winnings to our kitty. Keep all our  Lions in your Thoughts & Prayers who are sick, in distress or unable to attend our meetings. And, don’t forget that pin you wear on your collar represents that you belong to the greatest service organization in the world. The El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club “2011-2012 District 4L6 large Lions Club of the Year!” WEAR YOUR LIONS HAT NEXT MEETING.

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