October 3, 2022, Members 9 Guests: 1
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Opening: Pres. Rob
Song Masters:

PP Phil Smith Patriotic Song: America the Beautiful
Pledge of Allegiance: 2nd Veep Keith MacArthur Invocation: Capt. Sam Fowler

Capt. Sam Fowler of El Cajon Salvation Army
Good to see: Everyone

PP Van Willsey
“I am thankful that in a troubled world no calamity can prevent the return of spring.”
.El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation Meeting Oct. 20th 6PM Elks Lodge Conference Room
.SPOOKEASY benefitting STMSC Sat 10/29 -10PM East County Secret Garden 1920’s theme $150pp
.Cathy Moreau Coleman/Brothers Restaurant has generously donated the pancake mix, sausage and eggs for our annual pancake breakfast. Stop by the restaurant and thank her.
Arnold Martin 10/3, Keith Bailes 10/12, Don Anthony 10/13, David Keen 10/16, Zachary Nation 10/24, David Huntamer 10/29. Keith Bailes enjoyed the Birthday Song on behalf of all the others ‘Birthday Boys’ not at this meeting. You snooze, you lose!
GOOD CHEER: Tony Forchette is home from the hospital and recovering.
IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be conveyed to him/her. Paris4L6@cox.net 619/838-4262
Oct 7th – Chamber First Friday Breakfast @ Cuyamaca College 7:15AM $25prepaid/$35 at door
OCT 13th – ECVH LC Board Meeting 6PM Elks Lodge Conference Room
OCT 16th – ECVH LC Annual Pancake Breakfast Elks Lodge Times TBA
Oct 29th – 2nd Cabinet & Membership Meeting 10am-2pm Vern Goodwin Mira Mesa Senior Center 8460 Mira Mesa Blvd.
Nov 12th – ECVH LC Annual Picnic at the Moreau Ranch 11 AM – Family event

1st Veep Carl Ruiz:
.Pancake Breakfast tickets are now available at our meetings. Please pick yours up – you will be billed for $100 whether you sell them to reimburse yourself or give them away.
.New club directories are available for pickup at our meetings.
2nd Veep Keith MacArthur: Progress
3rd Veep: Ron Nevels:
Our annual picnic will begin at 11 AM
Membership Chair Cathy Bailes: Progress

Yvonne Paris $100 for an upcoming family reunion trip to Monterey County. Chris Bramwell exempt through Jan 31, 2023.
HAPPY DOLLARS: TT Bob the “Hatchet Man” Acker
.Van $20 had not been to a meeting for a while and he’s happy to be with us today
.Roger $10 back from a trip to N.D. Great time at his college reunion at University of ND
.Gary S $2 was riding his electric bike on the Mission Beach boardwalk
.Walt $5 Padres are going to the playoffs which starts this Friday
.Cathy $20 Keith’s 76th Birthday coming up and for the Padres
.Carl $5 had fun holding down the Homefront in Pres. Rob’s absence

.Jim N $50 This month he celebrates 50 years in Lionism. Congrats Jim
.Rob $5 celebrating 27 years of working and for Carl stepping in while he travelled all of Italy
.Mike R $? Rusty is home and doing well

Capt. Sam Fowler – Salvation Army El Cajon
He and wife Lea are Pastors and they arrived in El Cajon last June from Ketchikan, Alaska. They have been tasked with getting the new center up and running. It is a 30,000 sf facility and he invites everyone to take a free tour.
The center has been designated a “Super Pantry” by the government based on their ability to ‘feed the masses’. The underserved community has a need for diapers, to the tune of a 7% increase month-after-month and the government pays for these also. From Jan 1st to Sept 30th, they have so far served over 26,000 in El Cajon.
They provide health services for the homeless via their Homeless Outreach Program. They send 1-2 people a week to the rehab facility in Otay Mesa.
They will be serving 500 families this Christmas with toys for their children vs 250 families in 2021.
He was happy to say they have a great pickleball which has brought the in-need community together.
Oct 31st – Chaplain Everett Gundgren from Volunteers of America
WINNER OF ATTENDANCE DRAWING: Bob Acker $40-donated to our foundation
WINNER OF OPPORTUNITY DRAWING: Keith MacArthur $46 – donated $23 to our foundation.
QUIP OF THE WEEK: I came, I saw, I forgot what I was doing, retracted my steps, got lost on the way back, now I have no idea what’s going on
Lions Clubs International President Brian Sheehan’s Motto is “Together We Can”