June 7, 2021 Members: 37 Guests: 1
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Opening: Prez Mike
Song Master: Chris Song: God Bless America
Pledge of Allegiance: Tony Invocation: Boni
Graham Mitchell, Speaker
Jeff Winters, David Huntamer, Kiley Grunstad
HELEN KELLER QUOTE by: Bruce Boorman
“Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.”
.Newbie Lt. Keith MacArthur was inducted as our newest member by PDG Mercy.
.Boni and Sean Kelsey have been transferred to Torrance, CA. She will be heading up Social Services for their new Salvation Army post.
.Sec Paul Walters reminded us that this Friday is National Flag Day and El Cajon Valley Host Lions will be at Johnson Elementary School to hand out flags to their students. All are welcome. See calendar below.
.PDG Mercy reminded us of Lions Learning Day this Saturday. See calendar below
.Dick Nasif, on behalf of the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation, put forth Bill Sturgeon and Jeff Smith’s names as the newest members of our foundation board. Vote was unanimous to accept them. They replace PP Felina Balistreri and Lion Gary Zink.
Yvonne Paris 6/3, Gary Sims 6/4, Cathy Bailes 6/10, Tony Forchette 6/13, Cathy Zieman 6/16, Jason Taub 6/24, Grant Thiem and Jay Jacobson 6/26. The Birthday Song was ‘performed’ by the El Cajon Valley Host Lions Black and Gold Choir.
Hope those missing from the meetings are not ill but if so our best wishes for you to get well real soon.
IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be conveyed to him/her. Paris4L6@cox.net 619/838-4262
June 11th – ECVH Lions Club Flag Day Program at Johnson Elementary School. 500 W Madison, EC 92020 Be there by 9AM with vest, club shirt or both.
June 12th – District Lions Learning Day 9-11:30AM (Check-in 8:30AM) NO COST Foothills Christian Church Adult Bldg, Room A-1 365 W Bradley, El Cajon ALL OFFICERS SHOULD ATTEND
July 25 – Camp Jack at Whispering Winds in Julian (1st and only week this year). Fishing Tues, Wed and Thursday. BBQ by El Cajon Valley Host Sun 7/25????
July 30th – El Cajon Valley Host Lions “Day at the Race” 4PM Sign up sheet will be coming around soon. See PP Gary Sims
VP REPORTS: NOTE: Our Veeps are busy putting their committees together for next fiscal year so if you have an interest in serving your club/community please let them know, there are a lot of spots to fill to keep our club running like a well-oiled machine.
1st Veep Rob Ransweiler: No Report
2nd Carl Ruiz: No Report
3rd Veep Fabian Vereda: No Report
Membership Chair Cathy Bailes: No Report
Husband constantly referred to his wife as “Mother of 6” so as they were leaving a party one evening he said “Mother of 6, are you ready to go home?” to which she responded “Yes, Father of 4.”
HAPPY DOLLARS AND OTHER NONSENSE: TT Bob Moreau wandered with the basket today.
.Cathy $20 for celebrating her 75th BDay this week
.Paul W $5 for PP Yvonne receiving her 36th Melvin Jones recognition
.Boni Thanks for everyone for the good times while in their service in El Cajon
.Nancy $5 going back to the MidWest to visit relatives
.Mike Carleton and his wife donated $500 toward scholarships for two of the LEO Club Seniors and asked for member donations for matching funds. It started out with $500 from Jeff Winters, Kiley Grunstad, David Huntamer,
Chris Bramwell and various other amounts from other club members until the total reached $2935. $2,000 going to scholarships and the remaining $935 will go into the LEO Club treasury for future needs. VERY GENEROUS LIONS!
.Yvonne donated $60 to the Foundation on behalf of PP Van Willsey.
: Graham Mitchell, El Cajon City Manager
Graham is also a faculty member at SDSU and has previously worked for the Co. of San Diego.
During the pandemic both City Hall and the Police Dept kept their doors open simply limiting the number of citizens inside at a given time. The Recreation Dept brought services to the neighborhoods via “The Rec Squad”.
All business you may have with the City can be done online/virtually. $2 million in Fed funds has been distributed in our locale – $1.5M toward homelessness and $.5M toward rental assistance.
The 5 major goals going forward are 1. How to engage citizens better 2. Economic development 3. Signage upon entering the City limits 4. Public safety 5. Homelessness a. those seeking housing b. transients.
The new budget will reflect the better than expected income from the pandemic period and all positions that were previously frozen are expected to be reinstated.
The is a phone app for the City of El Cajon.
Currently and through the end of the year there is a reduced fee of $1 for all recreation programs.
June 21st Susan White, President, Sight and Hearing Foundation Board
Winner of Attendance Drawing: Terry Winegar MIA so next week $20
Winner of 50/50 Drawing: Jeff Smith $45
**Remember the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust**