May 24, 2021 Members: 28 Guests: 2
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Opening: Prez Mike
Song Master: Gary Sims Song: God Bless America
Pledge of Allegiance: Carl Ruiz Invocation: Paul Tremblay
Bill Boorman | Dr. Tom Hixson |
HELEN KELLER QUOTE by: Bruce Boorman
“You can’t get very far until you start doing something for somebody else.”
Sec Paul reminded us that we are DARK next Monday, May 31st.
Newbie Keith MacArthur will be inducted as our newest member at our June 7th meeting. (Board voted on his application on 5/24).
PP Yvonne reminded members that we have 24 Melvin Jones Fellows in our club and encouraged Fellows and club members to attend the Melvin Jones dinner on June 4th. Deadline for reservations is May 31st. Checks or credit cards accepted for payment. See Calendar
Bill Sturgeon 5/4, Keith MacArthur 5/5, Frank Reid 5/7, Roger Stebleton 5/8, Carl Ruiz 5/27, Phil Smith 5/28
Upcoming Birthdays before next meeting: Yvonne Paris 6/3, Gary Sims 6/4
I don’t know about Gary but I expect a special cake at our June 7th meeting!
Hope those missing from the meetings are not ill but if so our best wishes for you to get well real soon.
IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be conveyed to him/her. Paris4L6@cox.net 619/838-4262
June 4th – Melvin Jones Fellowship Dinner-Pacific S/W Assoc. of Realtors 1150 Broadway. El Cajon-$30 – 5-9PM Deadline for reservations is May 31st. See PP Yvonne
June 11th – ECVH Lions Club Flag Day Program at Johnson Elementary School
June 12th – District Lions Learning Day 9-11AM (Check-in 8AM) NO COST Foothills Christian Church Adult Bldg, Room A-1 365 W Bradley, El Cajon
July 25 – Camp Jack at Whispering Winds in Julian (1st and only week this year)
VP REPORTS: NOTE: Our Veeps are busy putting their committees together for next fiscal year so if you have an interest in serving your club/community please let them know, there are a lot of spots to fill so please step up to the plate in the name of Lionism.
1st Veep Rob Ransweiler: No Report
2nd Carl Ruiz: El Cajon Valley Lions paid for two eyeglass recipients through our eyeglass program.
3rd Veep Fabian Vereda:
PP Gary Sims reports there will be an El Cajon Valley Lions Day at the Races on July 30th at 4PM. $25. A sign-up sheet will be circulated at our June 7th meeting.
Membership Chair Cathy Bailes: No Report
First Veep Rob stepped up with a joke about a quarter-horse.
HAPPY DOLLARS AND OTHER NONSENSE: TT Bob “The Hatchet Man” Acker worked the room

Paul Walters, Mike Raney and Mike Carleton put some bucks in as they attended Past LEO Club President Zahara Almosawi’s college graduation party over the weekend.
Rob spent the weekend at his son’s school

Walt $9 for 9 Padre wins in a row
Len’s youngest granddaughter graduated from Humbolt State
Gary Sims won $1300 at the casino
Tony $2 because he was shamed by our TT into donating to the pot
Cathy B Padres No. 1 in MLB

Tom Hixson from the La Mesa Vision Care Center. Dr. Hixson is a Low Vision Aid Specialist for people who have low vision and cannot use regular reading glasses. His patients have eye disease and his average patient sees 2400 vs normal 20/20. In the State of CA a person with 20/160 can legally drive a vehicle with a bioptic telescope. Dr. Hixson has many devices to assist his patients with eye disease to see things close up and far away. Voice synthesizers can read to you and you can dictate to it for emails, text messaging, etc.
Dr. Hixson gets most of his referrals from ophthalmologists but he accepts walk-ins. He works with the VSP program. Medicare will only pay for the exam but no devices or aids.
June 7th Graham Mitchell, El Cajon City Manager
June 21st Susan White, President Sight and Hearing Foundation Board
Winner of Attendance Drawing: Ray Ridlon $20
Winner of 50/50 Drawing: Rob Ransweiler $56
**Remember the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust**
Blast From the Past: “Don’t forget that Lions Club pin you wear on your collar or blouse represents that you belong to one of the greatest organizations in the world”