Sept 23, 2019 Members: 39 Guests: 2
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Opening: Prez Chris
Song Master: PP Gary Sims Song: God Bless America
Pledge of Allegiance: PP Walt Simmons Invocation: Lion Christian Wille
Quote by PP Bruce Boorman: “College is not the place to go for ideas.”
Alyssa (approved for membership but will be installed Oct. 7th. Sponsor Pres. Chris)
and guest speak Dirk Epperson
Good to See:
And Everyone
Lion Keith will be having shoulder surgery this week and will be out 6-8 weeks Good Luck!
Chris rode with Tom Hoban in the new Ferrari from El Cajon to Alpine and Chris could barely read the street signs at 110+ mph.
Sec Paul says an ad-hoc committee has formed for Citizen of the Year and it includes PDG Mercy, PP Yvonne and himself. If anyone would like to serve on this Committtee please notify one of the members.
NOTE: Anyone who knows who the phone belongs to that is on the front of our Directory please let me know. 619/685-7056 – it’s been there at least 16 years but doesn’t appear to belong to a member of this club.
Terry Winegar 9/11, Kirby Morrison 9/15, Jim Sing 9/16, Jonathan Martin 9/19, Mark Krause 9/22, Mercy Walters 9/25.
EXEMPT BADGES: Len Blottin, Tony Forchette, Cathy Bailes, Yvonne Paris, Kiley Grunstad
IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be sent to them. Paris4L6@cox.net
CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS: *Unless otherwise noted all Meetings are Mon at Noon*
Sept 30th – DARK – NO MEETING
Oct 4th – Chamber First Friday Breakfast at Ronald Reagan Comm. Center. RSVP 619/440-6161
Pricing is now $20 until a week before the event and then it’s $25 pp
Oct 5th – Club Picnic at Bramwell’s Estate 1PM Event will be catered. Everyone is welcomed to bring and share a dessert.
Oct 13th – ECVH LC Pancake Breakfast Elks Lodge 8AM Sign ups soon. Tickets available
Oct 17th – La Mesa Lions Sketti Dinner at La Mesa Memorial Community Center $25 prepaid only.
Oct 26th – San Diego Center for the Blind White Cane Brunch Double Tree in MV 11AM $70
Nov 2nd – Street cleanup project in El Cajon 8AM meet at Clifton Mercedes
3rd VP Carl Ruiz: Thanks to Lion Warren for all his work on Padre Night.
PP Van says our Ma Goose Parade float has a truck to tow it and the hay has been secured. Decorations are in progress. Currently checking into a staging area.
2nd VP Gary Zink: PP Gary Robinson announced our first visitation will be Tuesday, Sept 24th at La Mesa Lions – 12-noon.
Gary is looking for an optometrist to service our school kids and he was given a couple of good leads.
1st VP Mike Raney: Pancake Breakfast is right around the corner. Sell those tickets.
Membership Chair Cathy Bailes: MIA
In Lion Cathy’s absence Keith encouraged everyone to attend the Chambers First Friday event.
PP RAY’S RAMBLINGS: Fifty one years ago a North Carolina mountain man was drafted by the Army. First day he was issued a comb and the next day they cut all his hair off. Second day he gets a toothbrush and the next day they pulled 8 of his teeth. The third day they issued him a jockstrap and he still hasn’t been located!
HAPPY DOLLARS: PP/TT Bob “The Hatchet Man” Acker scurried around the front of the room hoping someone would drop some money into his basket and
Chris $50 because he’s alive after riding in PP Tom
Alyssa $20 Happy her Mom didn’t have a blood clot as they had a scare yesterday but all is well!
Dirk Epperson, Civil Engineer with the City of El Cajon Public Works Department
Dirk began with an icebreaker joke he tells his kids. He is active in Scouts and 3 of his sons are in the Troup working toward their Eagle Scout badges. His daughter is into acting.
He was born and brought up in East County (Monte Vista HS graduate and SDSU). He now lives in La Mesa.
The Public Works Department deals with many areas but keeping our sewers clean is of primary concern. As the City of San Diego raises their rates so must the municipalities. Our toilet water is treated in Pt. Loma then disposed of 5 miles out into the ocean in nearly drinkable condition.
Recent improvements include the “Welcome to El Cajon” signage on El Cajon Blvd off I-8 and from Santee on Cuyamaca.
The Department recently received $10,000,000 in grant funds for improvements. They worked on “The Magnolia” (previously known as ECPAC) and assisted on getting ‘our bench’ situated on the Promenade.
OCT 1st – Our new El Cajon Chief of Police Mike Moulton
Other websites to visit: LionsDistrict4L6; CALions.org; LionsClubs.org
Winner of Attendance Drawing Ed Waymire MIA so $20 next week
Winner of 50/50 Drawing: Alyssa $ 70
TT Bob Acker also auctioned off 3 of Lion Elizabeth’s pumpkin bread loaves and the lucky winners were Rocco $40, Hoban $50 and Chris $50. Elizabeth chose to have the funds raised donated to the City of Hope
***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***