www.ecvlionsclub.com • Meetings Every Monday 12 Noon, Elks Lodge #1812, 1400 E. Washington, El Cajon
District 4L6, Northeast Region, Heartland Zone • Yvonne Paris, Editor, 449-7478
July 30, 2018 35 Lions, 0 Guests Vol. 74, Issue 4
Opening: Prez Jeff; Song Master: PP Maestro Jerry,Song: God Bless America; Pledge of Allegiance: Lion Jeff Smith; Invocation: Treas Paul; Helen Keller quote by PP Bruce Boorman: “While they were saying among themselves it cannot be done, it was done.” Guests: Sadly, we had no guests
When you come in for meetings, don’t forget to purchase your 50/50 drawing tickets.
PDG Len updated us on the Alpine fire victims event yesterday. Apparently our club and members donations of $400 covered the cost
of the BBQ and drinks. Nearly 200 fire victims attended in addition to the Lions there to assist them with their needs.
Lion Dick Nasif called PP Bill Sturgeon to the podium thanking him for his 7 years of working on getting our foundation changed over from a private foundation to a public charity. It seems that will happen although the formal letter hasn’t been received yet. This change will mean how our foundation handles and distributes funds… all for the better. Thank you both for your tireless work to make things better for our foundation.
1st Veep Chris has now challenged TT Bob Acker to wear a tuxedo to a meeting. Bob didn’t feel Chris’ donation was large enough at $550 and so has declined…….for the time being!
Gary R says the Chambers First Friday Breakfast will be held at Sycuan Casino on Aug 3rd. RSVP to the Chamber
Bob Groff 8/1, Rod Streeper 8/3, Ron Snow 8/10, Tom Normandie 8/15, Paul Walters 8/19, Hugh Cowan 8/21 and Sharie Hoops 8/28.
GOOD CHEER: Apparently everyone is well~~~~~in
which case why aren’t you attending meetings? If you need a ride there are many members who would love to drive you to & from.
Remember, if you know of any of our members who are in distress, sick, in the hospital or just got out of the hospital, have been diagnosed with some rare 3rd world country disease or infestation, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be shared. Paris4L6@cox.net
Aug 4th – ECVH LC Steak Fry at PP Hoban’s home 3PM-RSVP to PP Mark Clifton asap
Aug 6th – DARK
Aug 7th – Tues night meeting – Elks Lodge 6PM Aug 8th – ECVH Board Meeting 6PM – come early for dinner 5PM $14
Aug 10th – ECVH Padre Night – Sign up with Warren McKenna. $30 7:05 game. Section 121. 5PM meet at McCormicks in the Omni Hotel for eats/drinks. Parking on 6th $15
Sept 3,4 and 10th – DARK
Sept 11th – Tues night meeting/dinner – Elks Lodge 6PM
Sept 12th – ECVH Board Meeting 6PM – come early for dinner 5PM $14
Sept 15th – ECVH family picnic at 1st Veep Bramwell’s home. Phils BBQ will cater. Free Parking
3rd Veep Gary Zink Application to participate in the Mother Goose Parade will be submitted soon.
2nd VP Mike Raney: Progress
1st VP Chris Bramwell Nothing else to say at report time! But he is warning us that there will be NEW rules next year.
Membership Chair Cathy Bailes: MIA
RAY’S RAMBLINGS:About a conversation between a biker and GOD. God granted the biker one wish and the biker asked for a highway between the continental US and Hawaii so he could ride his bike there. GOD felt this wish was too materialistic and the logistics would be a nightmare so asked the biker for a 2nd wish. The biker asked GOD to make him understand women and why they think, feel and act as they do. GOD reacted by asking the biker if he wanted 2 or 4 lanes on that new highway.
Chris $20 got a new boat and swears he has an Exempt Badge but can’t prove it. Dolores $20 X 3 Granddaughter graduated from medical school in AZ, for winning the 50/50 recently and just back from a trip to Aspen; Mark C $10 for catching 10 yellowtail tuna while fishing from Tom Hoban’s boat recently; David H $117 which would have been the amount of his food and drink bill at Del Mar last Friday but Gary Sims picked up the tab; Bruce B $20 daughter, a grandson and his wife and their new great-grandson and a another granddaughter stayed with them last week; Gary S $20 did well on his wagering at Del Mar last Friday; Kiley $20 for a recent fishing trip; Mike Raney $5 for the pleasure of being seated between Song Master PP Jerry and Joke Master PP Ray; Bob Acker $20 won a few bucks on the ponies and he appreciated the brevity of Governor Mercy’s speech at the District Installation last Saturday night.
Amber Hughes Coordinator for the East County Education Alliance Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District will speak on the Grossmont-Cuyamaca College Promise and the colleges.
Other websites to visit: LionsDistrict4L6; MD4Lions. org; LionsClubs.org; Winner of Attendance Drawing: Warren McKenna MIA – $30 next week; Winner of the 50/50 Opportunity Drawing: Bill Sturgeon and Tom Hoban $99
***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***