July 17, 2018 Members: a bunch Guests: 24
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Call to Order: IPP Felina
Song Master: 1st Veep Chris with a very loud God Bless America
Song Master: PP Maestro Jerry Song: My Country Tis of Thee
Pledge of Allegiance: Director Rod Invocation: Treasurer Paul T
Helen Keller quote by Lion Carter Short: “Be happy with what you have while working for what you want”
Guests: as introduced by PP Van: Marie, Mary, PDG Scott, Cathy, Dixie, Rusty, Pat, Gerry, Pam, LEO Vanessa, Jasmine, Vilma, Donna, PDG Bucky, Sue, Leona, RC David, Angel, Gail, Linda, Isabel, Irma, Geri, Michelle
PP Gary Sims handed out tickets for Day at the Races on 7/27 and still has 6 tickets available.
TT/PP Bob Moreau called to the front both TT Bob Acker and 1st Veep Chris. Chris has been taunting Bob A to wear a suit and tie to a meeting and he would donate $500 to the club.
And Bob A looked very dapper this evening in his suit and tie while Chris had the pink slip to sign.
Director Dick Nasif spoke on behalf of our Foundation in giving a brief history of how it was initially funded – PP Bob Hale left a nice bequest to the club and not long after Lion Ham Walker’s bequest added an even larger amount. Most of the income is generated from our generous Lions members and many thanks for that gesture. Also he pointed out the “Remembrance” board up front reflecting members who have passed since 1998, by year. TOOOOO MANY!
RAY’S RAMBLINGS: Yes, even tonight Ray gave us a couple of good jokes. Thanks for the after-dinner entertainment PP Ray.
On with the Program: IPP Felina gave her Farewell Remarks for fiscal 2017-2018.
She then presented Lion LEO Advisor Mike Carleton with the prestigious El Cajon Valley Lions LION OF THE YEAR Award – very well deserved having served the past 23 years advising our young adults at their weekly meetings. Then Lion Mike and PDG Scott presented the LEO OF THE YEAR Award to El Cajon Valley HS LEO Club President Vanessa Nunez. Vanessa also served as the LEO District Secretary.
IPP Felina and PDG Len presented our newest Melvin Jones Bob Acker with his plaque and pin. Congrats Bob, a very well deserved honor.
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PDG Len and DG Mercy presented IPP Felina with a gift then IPP Felina and DG Mercy presented awards of medals and certificates to those have worked tirelessly throughout the year to benefit the club.
Officiating Officer Bob Acker then released the Officers and Board from fiscal 2017-2018 from their terms and installed our new Officers and Board for fiscal 2018-2019 led by Jeff Winters.
President Jeff presented a gift to Officiant Bob in thanks for a job well done tonight. Bob promises to call President Jeff just that, and not call him Jeffrey – for a year.
IPP Felina passed the gavel and bell to President Jeff who then gave his promises for a great year to the members.
Many thanks to the following for making the evening extra special:
Committee: Chair Paul Walters, Paul Tremblay, IPP Felina Balistreri, President Jeff Winters and Dick Nasif.
Installing Officer: Bob Acker
Table & Room Decorations: Leona Black, Dolores Galkowski, DG Mercy Walters, Paul Walters
Finance: Paul Tremblay
Elks Venue/Rita’s Catering: Dick Nasif
Program: Bruce Boorman
***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***