Newsletter 07/31/23


July 31, 2023   Members: 32 Guests: 4

Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club

Opening:  Pres. Carl  

Song Masters:  A person holding a microphone

Description automatically generatedChris Bramwell                                  Patriotic Song: God Bless America

Pledge of Allegiance: Dolores Galkowski                  Invocation: PP Mark Clifton


A person sitting at a table

Description automatically generatedA group of people sitting at tables

Description automatically generatedA person and person sitting at a table

Description automatically generatedA person holding a microphone

Description automatically generated
Bob Sparks-3rd visit (Sing)Eric DenatoMary (Moreau)Keynote Speaker Dr. David Miyashiro

Good to see:  Everyone

HELEN KELLER QUOTE BY: 1st Veep Keith Mac Arthur

“So long as the memory of certain beloved friends lives in my heart, I shall say that life is good.”


.Treas Paul reported the club directory is in the works.  A rough draft will come out soon for each of us to confirm our own info is correctly reflected. (MacArthur)

.PP Chris reported only 25 have signed up for the picnic at this point.  Although the event is 7 weeks away it’s not too early to sign up for this very fun social event of the season.


David Reed 7/4; Ed Waymire and Dolores Galkowski 7/10; Mike Carleton 7/19; Paul Tremblay 7/26; Tom Hoban 7/31

GOOD CHEER: Happy to see A person sitting at a table with a plate of food

Description automatically generatedKatie Zolezzi back to meetings after a bout with Covid.

IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick, or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be conveyed to him/her.  619/838-4262


Aug 19th – Elks Law Enforcement Appreciation Night 5:30 – Elks Lodge – see Christian Wille

Aug 10th – ECVH LC Board Meeting 6 PM Elks Lodge conference room

Aug 20th – District 4L6 Installation at La Mesa Community Center 5 PM – See Sec Paul W

Sept 23rd – ECVH LC Annual Picnic at the Bramwell Estate – 1-5 PM

Oct – ECVH LC Pancake Breakfast date TBD


1ST VEEP Keith MacArthur:  Plans are in the works for our annual pancake breakfast.  If you wish to help on this fundraiser and be on the committee please see 1st Veep Keith.

2ND VEEP Ron Nevels: Progress

3RD VEEP Bob Sanchez:  Progress

Membership Chair Cathy Bailes:  No Report

JULY EXEMPT BADGES: Carter Short and Tom Hoban

HAPPY DOLLARS:  TT Bob “Hatchet Man” Acker

.Paul T $5 from Christian for the upcoming Elks Law Enforcement Appreciation Night.

.Yvonne $20 Highly recommends everyone see the movie Sound of Freedom AND daughter Denise is going to join a Lions club in Murrieta.

.Cathy $5 for the Padres

Keith $5 for the Padres

Coleen A person sitting at a table

Description automatically generated$25 back from a great Maui trip and for Del Mar (winnings?)

.Ron N $20 Padres and Del Mar

.Bob S $20 did well at Del Mar

.Mike R $10 Padres and Cathy B is back and gaining strength.

.Gary S $20 Gail won at Del Mar

.Carl $10 being able to run the meeting today.

.Rob $? Will miss our picnic but taking Denise to Montana in search of a property.

.Chris $50 traded in a ‘23 MB AMG and purchased an MB E450


 Superintendent of Cajon School District, Dr. David Miyashiro

The motto for CVUSD is “World of Work” centering on a program of not only teaching the essential subjects toward secondary education but is a program focused on Happy Kids, Healthy Relationships on a Path to Gainful Employment.

In April 2020, Covid required distance learning, and CVUSD became innovative and figured it out when the teachers and parents wanted the children in the classrooms to learn. The district provided free childcare for essential work so they could continue to teach and provide for the students.  It began with 1 school and 18 children and by May all the schools in the district were doing the same.

This led to the schools beginning social distancing within the classrooms.  The district has used “TED” talks to help develop better social skills.

Dr. David says CVUSD is the best place to live, work and raise children.  This entails the unions and school boards working together.


8/7 Stephanie Tutschulte, Executive Director of the Sunshine Ranch Therapeutic Riding 

8/21 Ken and Kathy Brassell on Patriot Guard Riders and Real Bearded Santa

WINNER OF ATTENDANCE DRAWING:  Warren McKenna MIA so next week $40

WINNER OF OPPORTUNITY DRAWING Gary Sims $68 – donated to our foundation.

TODAY’S FUNNY: I came, I saw, I forgot what I was doing.  Retraced my steps and got lost on the way back.  Now I have no idea what’s going on.



Motto of LCI President Dr. Patti Hill  “Changing the World”

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