July 15, 2019 Members: 31 Guests: 1
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Pres. Chris, and still no official gavel or the bell. Inspector Clousseau did find his beads
Song Master: PP Jerry H Song: My Country Tis of Thee
Pledge of Allegiance: PP Bob M Invocation: Treas Paul T
Quote by PP Bruce Boorman: “The highest result of education is tolerance.”
8Alex Rohrke guest of PP Mark Clifton but chauffeured by PP Gary Sims
Good to See: EVERYONE
Muchas Gracias to pres. Chris and the lovely Cathy for hosting our steak fry at their beautiful home in Alpine. And more thank you’s to the Master BBQ-ers PP Mark C, PP Gary Sims and whomever else was tossing the meat around on the grills. Great job and special thanks to Chairs 2nd Veep Gary Zink and Henry Coleman.. Just a super day with special friends in a beautiful venue!
.Sec Paul reported that our club served over 416,000 people and performed 629 activities. Also on Sat, Aug 10th the Salvation Army is holding their Back to School event at the El Cajon JC Penneys. If you are interested in volunteering please call Laura Ingram at 619-301-7063.
.Dolores pointed out the eyeglass collection box, and what you may find inside. One that she put out at the El Cajon Library had a donated cell phone, a $1 bill and about 15 pair of used eyeglasses.
.Dick Nasif says our bench installation and ceremony will be held on Monday, July 29th at the Promenade at 1PM. Come to the Lodge for lunch first and wear your vests as we are hoping for publicity.
.Treas Paul said we ended the year nearly even. We are prepared to issue a check for $4,000 to the Winchester Widows for their great help in making our Gunsmoke casino night such a success. The check will be presented at a meeting in the future. Also we are changing from Union Bank to ‘Felina’s bank’, CA Bank and Trust.
PP Bob M and PDG Len asked for a vote to elect Carl Ruiz as our new 3rd Veep after the resignation from that office by Lion Rod Streeper. Congrats to PP Carl on his new position and we hope to see Lion Rod at as many meetings as he can muster.
David Reed 7/4, Dolores Galkowski and Ed Waymire 7/10, Mike Carleton 7/19, Paul Tremblay 7/26, Tom Hoban 7/31.
EXEMPT BADGE(S): Chris, Terry, David K, Tom H and Paul T
GOOD CHEER: Please keep PP Wally in your thoughts and prayers as he progresses through 8 weeks of a new cancer treatment which began on July 8th.
IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be sent to them. Paris4L6@cox.net
CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS: *Unless otherwise noted all Meetings are Mon at Noon*
July 24th – El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation Meeting. 6PM Elks Lodge Conference Room
July 26th – ECVH LC Day at the Races (Del Mar) 4PM. $25 See PP Gary Sims to sign up.
JULY 28th – El Cajon Valley Host LC BBQ at Camp Jack. See Lion Dick Nasif to volunteer
July 30, 31 and Aug 1 – First week of fishing at Lake Cuyamaca for Camp Jack. 7AM
Aug 6, 7 and 8 – Second week of fishing at Lake Cuyamaca for Camp Jack. 7AM
July 28th – District 4L6 Installation 4-8PM at St Mark Golf Resort in San Marcos $45
Aug 6th – First Tuesday NIGHT MEETING 6PM
Aug 14th – ECVH LC Board Meeting Elks Lodge 6PM
Oct 5th – Club Picnic at Bramwell’s Estate
3rd VP_____________: None
2nd VP Gary Zink: As reported by 1st Veep Mike R.
PP Gary Sims says there are still about 15 tickets available for our Day at the Races on July 26th. Invite your friends to join us for a great day. Tickets are only $25 and we are all together in the Clubhouse special seating area – food and drink available for purchase. See PP Gary
PP Roger Stebleton who is in charge of Constitution and By Laws for our club stated that the Tail Twisters can NOT be fined. It was voted on at the Installation and so it will be.
1st VP Mike Raney: Progress
PP RAY’S RAMBLINGS: Two jokes today 1. Three men were discussing how they would like to be remembered after passing. The 3rd man said “Look, he’s moving!”
2. An Italian, French and Jewish man were discussing their sexual prowess. Well folks you just had to be there to hear this one!
Those who were “Happy” about our great steak fry event: Wally $5, Gary S $5 and added that The Wrangler donated the cole slaw for our event. Cathy B $10 and added that Holly enjoyed her steak also, Felina $20 (she had 4 guests), Mke R $5 and thanks to our beautiful hostess Cathy Bramwell, Bob G $5 enjoyed his BBQ hamburger and hopes that Holly enjoyed his steak, and Mark C thanking the Bramwells for ‘taking us in’ at the last minute.
Paul W $5 Happy to be home in the good old US of A where, at least for the time being, water is free.
Tom N was wearing PP Grant Thiem’s namebadge today and promised Grant would be paying a fine upon return from his trip to Mexico.
Dick N $? Going on a little trip to the Kern River.
Bob M paid $5 for the flub asking the “Gentlemen” in the club to join him for the Pledge. That’s OK we gals just jointed right in anyway.
Carl Ruiz – Just Happy
UPCOMING PROGRAMS: 7/22Christopher Dale, musician and on 8/12 Cheryl Wilson from St Paul’s
Other websites to visit: LionsDistrict4L6; CALions.org; LionsClubs.org
Winner of Attendance Drawing: Ed Waymire – MIA
Winner of 50/50 Drawing: Bob Acker $63
***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***