Newsletter 06/30/14

El Cajon Valley Host Lions

June 30, 2014            35 Lions and 2 Guests


It was an outstanding year as Lion President Kiley Grunstad and his productive team of officers ended the Lions fiscal year with plenty of accomplishments & Lion projects.  Lion President Kiley opened the meeting at 12:30pm. Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth led our Lions in singing “You’re a Grand Ole Flag!”  Lion Earl Irey proudly led the Pledge of Allegiance. Lion PP Mark Clifton gracefully recited the Prayer & Invocation. Lion Carter Short gave another one of his very inspiring Helen Keller Quote of the Week.


Lion IPP Bill Sturgeon introduced our two guests that included: Dan Monteverno a business man friend with a Kettle Corn enterprise and Yvonne Harris our featured guest speaker from WIC.


A Special Thank You goes out to all fellow Lions, family, visiting Lions and community friends who attended the 68th Annual El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club Installation of Officers on Saturday June 26th. It was a superb well attended event with plenty of good food and great company. PDG Bucky Blottin installed the following newly elected officers for 2014-2015: President– Mercy Walters; 1st VP– Ray Ridlon; 2nd VP– Van Willsey; 3rd VP– Roy “Rocco” Collura; Secretary– Paul Walters; Treasurer– Paul Tremblay; Bulletin Editors– Mike Wasyliw, PP Phil Smith, PP Bruce Boorman, PP Dick Rogers; Tail Twisters– Bob Acker, PP Bob Moreau; Lion Tamers– Arnold Martin, PP Jerry Hollingsworth; Greeters –PP Ron Paris, Sharie Hoops; Director (1 Year)– Dick Nasif, Mike Raney; Director (2 Years) –Carter Short, Jeff Winters; Membership—Paul Walters, Mercy Walters; Webmaster—Warren McKenna; Publicity—PP Dick Rogers; Immediate Past President Kiley Grunstad. Another Special Thanks was given to all the Officers who served during the past year 2013-2014.

President Kiley Grunstad gave a superb summary of the “Year in Review” that highlighted the incredible accomplishments and activities during the past fiscal year. Our Lions Foundation & Lions Club funded $54,000 for worthwhile sight related and community projects (there were $97,939 funding requests made from our community). Our El Cajon Valley High school LEO’s were recognized as the District 4L6 LEO’s of the Year.  Lion PP Gary Robinson was honored for his 25+ years as our Lions Secretary and Lion PP Dick Rogers was recognized as “Lion of the Year!”





Kudo’s to Lion Paul Walters as the Chairperson/Master of Ceremonies (and a great team that planned & set up) the Installation Dinner & Celebration.


Lion Secretary PP Gary Robinson reported that our next Lions Board Meeting will be on Thursday July 17th 6pm at Nicolossi’s Restaurant on Main Street in El Cajon. A Lions Social Media Workshop will be held on July 22nd at the San Diego Center for the Blind. 7th Annual Lions Optometric Clinic & California Vision Project Golf Tournament will be held on Sunday July 20th at Mt. Woodson Golf Course. Contact info Robert Meisel, O.D. 619.818.3031. New President Badge was officially pinned on incoming President Mercy Walters and new Immediate Past President Badge was given to incoming IPP Kiley Grunstad.


3rd VP Van Willsey—excused absence

2nd VP Ray Ridlon—excused absence

1st VP Mercy Walters reported that “…all my work is done” (as 1st VP), I Thank You…and I look forward to serving as your president!


Lion PP Bob Moreau, Tail Twister collected the following Happy Dollars & Happy Dollar Fines: Lion Paul Walters gave a Happy $20 for the very successful Installation of Officers and thanks to all Lions who helped in planning, set-up and take down of the event! Lion Dave Huntamer gave a Happy $20 for the Camp Jack Program that will be starting with a BBQ on July 20th and fishing days on July 22-23 & 29-30th please sign up! PP Tom Hoban brought in a Marlin Flag which he borrowed from the Buena Vista Hotel and encouraged President Kiley to pay up for catching his first Marlin fish—President Kiley paid $50 for his  3 Marlin catch! Lion PP George Hurst paid a Happy $50 for the 3 Marlins he also caught! Lion President Mercy gave a Happy $10 and thanked PP Tom Hoban for the beautiful new Lion Vest and for her entourage of PP Lions who carried her in for her installation—she was treated like a Queen! Lion PP Ron Paris gave some Happy Dollars for being inducted into the OTL Over the Line Baseball Hall of Fame! Lion Roy “Rocco” Collura gave a Happy $20 and stated …life will not be simple for me as 3rd VP & appointed Lion PP Gary Sims as the Float Commissioner for Mother Goose Parade! Lion Carter Short gave a Happy $20 for his 1st year anniversary as a Lion and commended Lion President Kiley for his great job done! Lion Warren McKenna gave a Happy $5 asking where was the beef at the installation and added that there was $101 in bar tab tips! Lion President Mercy gave another Happy $1 dollar thanking our Lions Foundation for their great job this year and congratulated PP Bob Moreau who will be serving as the new Foundation president! Lion PP Ray Hackworth gave his Happy Joke of the Week  and a Happy $20 for all the compliments he received for his colorful Lions shirt and wearing one of PP Elmer Vierkant’s favorite ties! Lion IPP Bill Sturgeon brought in his Baseball World Series Rings for 2013 & 2014 and gave a Happy $20 and announced that he will again be playing baseball behind the plate by August 1st…after his successful hip replacement surgery in awesome recovery IPP Bill! Lion PP Jim Sing gave a Happy $20 after being grilled by our Tail Twister Bob Moreau! Lion PP Bob Moreau gave a Happy $20 for not being aware that Lion Jim paid his fine last week when Lion PP Bob was absent! Lion PDG gave a Happy $5 for our newly installed Lions Directors who during the excitement of the installation did not get all their recognition!


Our featured guest speaker was Yvonne Harris from the W.I.C. program that provides nutritional support and financial  assistance to women, infants & children up to 5 years of age. WIC, a federally subsidized program, has been in existence for the past 40 years and has served 1.6 million women and children in California. Criteria to qualify for the program is: must be a California resident and 185% of the federal poverty level. Ms. Harris mentioned that this was her first presentation to a Lions Club and mentioned that …you sure have a lot of fun at your Lions Meetings!


Lion Ron Black was the Attendance Drawing Winner and he donated his proceeds to our City of Hope Drive.

Thanks to fellow Lions who attended the Lions Learning Day on June 21st. Life Long Learners In attendance were Lion Keith Bailes, Lion Cathy Bailes, Lion Paul Walters, Lion Mike Wasyliw and Lion 1st VP Mercy Walter.

In Memoriam Donations—Please consider making an “in memory of Lion PP Elmer Vierkant” donation to honor Lion PP Elmer who did an incredible job serving our Lions and the living & the dead in our community for the past 60 years. Checks can be made payable to the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation.

Congratulations again to Lion PP Dick Rogers as our “Lion of the Year” who has done a fabulous job for our Lions as Publicity chair, bulletin editor team and incoming Lions Foundation Vice President.

You done good Lion President Kiley Grunstad—it was a great year!

And don’t forget that Lions Pin you wear on your collar or blouse represents that you belong to the greatest organization in the world—the El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club!

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