El Cajon Valley Host Lions
June 29, 2015 38 Lions and 6 Guests
Lion President Mercy Walters opened the meeting at 12:30pm and found herself getting “a very hearfelt Standing Ovation” for the incredible job she has done for the past Lion Year! Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth, Songmaster, led our fellow Lions and guests in singing “God Bless America!” Lion PP Tom Normandie led the Pledge of Allegiance. Prayer & Invocation was given by Lion IPP Kiley Grunstad. Helen Keller Quote of the Week was inspirationally given by Lion Carter Short.
Lion IPP Kiley Grunstad introduced the following 6 guests: Aziza Nelson, from Century 21 Realty—guest of PP Gary Sims; Chris Benvenuto, from Edward Jones Investments—guest of IPP Kiley Grunstad; Stefano Balistreri –guest and son of Lion Felina Balistreri; Maya and Marley Huntamer—guests and children of Lion David Huntamer; Monica Zech our guest speaker.
Lion PP Ron Snow was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation for all he has done for our Lions Float at the Mother Goose Parade over the many past years that includes: storing & building of the Float; providing tools & technical assistance and the winnings of several best Floats Awards. We Thank You Lion Ron for all you do!
Lion Secretary Paul Walters reported that our next Lions Board Meeting will be on Wednesday July 8th at 6pm at PDG Len Blottin’s work place.
Please turn in all your Lions Service & Activities Reports—please.
23 grateful kids sent Thank You drawings to our Lions for the Lions Flag Day Celebration at Lexington Elementary School.
Membership Report given by Lion Secretary Paul Walters with a current YTD 72 Lions. Lion PP Yvonne Paris has requested transfer to our ECVH Lions—we are very glad to have her
El Cajon Rotary Club Fundraiser “Evening in the Tropics” was well attended by 7 of our El Cajon Valley Host Lions: President Mercy Walters, Secretary Paul Walters, PP Phil Smith & Marianne, PP Bruce Boorman & Pat and Lion Dick Nasif!
3RD VP Roy “Rocco” Collura, absent. Lion PP Don Anthony reported. Lion PP Gary Sims gave an update on the Day at the Races at Del Mar on July 31st that 44 Lions & guests have signed up. Lion Warren McKenna gave an update on the Lions Padre Night on August 21st that 20 people have signed up and we have a few tickets for a great baseball game between the Padres and St Louis Cardinals. Tickets are only $25.00 that includes an awesome free burger on Lion Warren at McCormack & Schmit’s pre-game get together.
2nd VP Van Willsey, no report.
1st VP Ray Ridlon, excused absence—on vacation to Hawaii.
Lion PP Bob Moreau, Tail Twister, collected the following Happy Dollars & Happy Dollar Fines: Lion PP Tom Normandie gave a Happy $1 for a bad & sad recent fishing trip! Lion PP Roger Stebleton gave a Happy $1 fine for carrying on an extra conversation! Lion Chris Bramwell gave a Happy $20 and re-iterated his $250.00 challenge offer to have Lion Bob Acker in a suit for his Tail Twister duties! Lion PP Gary Sims gave a Happy $2 for going to Three Dog Nights Concert and going out for dinner to La Jolla with Lion PP Bruno Cirello! Lion Cathy Bailes & Lion Keith Bailes gave a Happy $5 each in honor of President Mercy’s great year leading our ECVH Lions Club! Lion President Mercy Walters gave a Happy $50 with a sincere Thanks to All of You for your help and support during this Lion year! Lion Paul Walters gave some Happy Dollars for our 7 Lions who attended the El Cajon Rotary Club Fundraiser! Lion PDG Len Blottin gave a Happy $5 for his trip to Las Vegas to visit a brother! Lion PP Phil Smith was asked to chalk up some Happy Dollars for his nice haircut! Lion Ron Black gave a Happy $10 for a glad to provide our Lions Board with some awesome shirts! Lion PP Ray Hackworth gave a Happy $20 to share his Happy Joke of the Week! Lion PP Ron Paris gave a Happy $5 for a glad to be alive!
Lion PP George Hurst introduced our featured speaker of the week Monica Zech, Public Information Officer with the City of El Cajon for the past 14 years. Ms Zech gave a presentation on Public Safety for the Summer. Just a few of the Safety Tips shared included: Leave fireworks to the professionals, keep your eyes & ears on the road–#1 calls to 9-1-1 is traffic collisions primarily at intersections followed by heart attacks #2, strokes #3, falls #4 and choking #5. Biggest Lifesaver is a good smoke alarm. Biggest cause of house fires is cooking and leaving it unattended, followed by burning candles. Remember Safety First!
Our Attendance Drawing Winner was PP Tom Normandie who left a little early and failed to claim his prize!
Thanks to Gloria from Ranch Catering for the wonderful food services provided at our weekly Lions Meetings!
A Special Thanks to all fellow Lions who faithfully served as Officers & Board Members & Chairs/Co-Chairs of the various committees during the past Lion year 2014-2015—your efforts were sincerely appreciated!
Please keep Lion PP Gordon Bush & Family in your thoughts and prayers. Our dear Lion Gordon passed away on June 22, 2015 and had faithfully served as Lions President from 1978-1979 along with 51 years of El Cajon Valley Host Lionism!
Have a Happy & Safe 4th of July Holiday!
And don’t forget that Lions Pin you wear on your collar or blouse represents that you belong to one of the greatest organizations in the world
—the El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club “2015-2015 Best Large Lions Club in District 4 L6” WE SINCERELY APPRECIATE YOUR LIONS MEMBERSHIP & ATTENDANCE!