Lions Volunteer Work + Float Build + Centennial Parade Festivities 11/10, 11/11 & 11/12:
Van Willsey & Don Anthony pick up float from storage & move to 10107 Prospect Ave. (Ron Snow’s place) Saturday, 11/10, 9:00 AM.
Float Build Crew: Sunday, 11/11 9:00 AM, 10107 Prospect Ave. Figure to work for 3 – 4 hrs. Mike Raney, the Leo’s, Van Willsey, Paul Walters, 2nd VP Mercy Walters, Pres. Bill Sturgeon, PP Gary Robinson, 1stVP Kiley Grunstad, PP Don Anthony. Anyone else is more than welcome, it would go faster.
Centennial Volunteer Work: Sunday, 11/11 5:00 PM, City Hall, 200 Civic Center Way. We will be helping set up the necessary logistics for the celebration the following morning. Those who responded to my request for help are: Mike Raney + Leo’s, Gary Robinson, Pres. Bill Sturgeon, 1stVP Kiley Grunstad, PP Don Anthony.
The Float will be delivered to the pre-Parade location on the corner of North Magnolia Ave. & Rea Ave. @ 7:30 AM on Monday the 12th of November by Van Willsey & PP Don Anthony. We will meet the Leo’s and other Volunteers in the parking lot on the NE corner in what used to be the Union Bank building. The Parade starts at 9:00 AM. We will proceed East on Rea Ave. to Sulzfeld Way, veering to the left towards the ECPD parking lot, where we will park on the street in front of the Centennial Plaza. The Leo’s will stay on / with the Float as we will be part of the backdrop for the speeches in the Plaza. After the speeches, the Float will be directed through the ECPD parking lot, down to North Magnolia where it will head south on Magnolia through Main St. to Douglas Ave. It will turn left onto Douglas Ave. and proceed east to the City Parking Lot adjacent to the Prescott Promenade where it will be parked in the Promenade for display throughout the day. The ECVLC will have a table set up next to the Float with our banner(s) and membership information. The Booth will be manned by Lion Paul Walters and 2ndVP Mercy Walters.
The El Cajon Main Street Flag committee will have the American Flag out in 137 locations on Main Street for Veterans Day which happens to be the same day. They have worked in coordination with us to have 4 Boy Scouts carry with harness the American Flag to lead the Parade. They will be positioned as a backdrop behind the Speakers in the Centennial Plaza. After the Centennial Plaza portion of the doings are done, they will lead a procession down to the corner of Sulzfeld Way and Main Street, positioning on the NE corner behind the Mayor who will do a brief opening of the year long festivities in celebration of El Cajon’s 100 years. After that portion, the Boy Scouts will cross Main Street to the Prescott Promenade where they will be finished with duties.