newsletter 10/21/13

El Cajon Valley Host Lions

October 21, 2013              32 Lions and 7 Guests


Lion President Kiley Grunstad opened the meeting at 12:30pm. Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth, Songmaster, led our Lions in singing “God Bless America!” Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion PP Mark Clifton. Prayer & Invocation was recited by Lion President Kiley Grunstad. Helen Keller Quote of the Week was inspirationally given by Lion PDG Len Blottin.


IPP Lion Bill Sturgeon welcomed our District Governor Napoleon White for his visit to our El Cajon Valley Host Lions. DG Napoleon White introduced his Cabinet Officers that included the following: PDG Scott Leslie—Global Membership Team, Garry Jones—Cabinet Secretary, PDG Juanita Mangels-Willians—District Chaplain. Other distinguished visiting Lions who were introduced included: President Lydia Duro—San Diego Cosmopolitan and Marilyn Brennan—Heartland Zone Chair.


Lion Secretary PP Gary Robinson reported on upcoming events that included: Pre-Cabinet Meeting will be held on November 2nd, *Second Cabinet Meeting on November 9th,*Lions MD4 Convention Feb 13-16, 2014 Ontario, Ca. Doubletree Hotel, *Citizen of the Year nominations are due by December 20th—Lion Christian Willie and Lion Roy “Rocco” Collura will attend the planning meeting and process the nomination form of our recommended worthy Lion.

Membership & Recruitment chair Lion Paul Walters reported that we will have a variety of Lions literature and a display table at our upcoming Pancake Breakfast.


DG Napoleon White shared some great highlights about Lionism in District 4-L6 that serves the San Diego & Imperial County areas: 4L6 is #1 in membership in California! MD4 Multiple District Four (which represents 15 sub districts within California) is #1 in the United States! New Lions Club, San Diego Pathfinders, was formed in July with 107 members in the Southbay area! 8 LEO’s Clubs and 4 more in the formation stage!

A Special Recognition was given to the following El Cajon Valley Host Lions for their Lions Years of Service: Lion Jeff Winters—10 Year Chevron, Lion PP Mike Mortallero-15 Year Chevron, Lion Frank Galkowski—35 Year Chevron. Additional Lions not present at the meeting will be awarded their Lions Chevron Pin of Service at our upcoming meetings.


3rd VP Van Willsey reported that Visitations to our various Lions Clubs have been going well. Next scheduled visitation is to the La Mesa Lions on Tuesday October 22nd at noon. Please RSVP with Lion Mike Wasyliw, Visitations Chair. Mother Goose Parade is on Sunday November 24th—Lion Van will be contacting Lion PP Ron Snow to discuss the float design and assess our current vehicle to see if it is still viable and sea worthy to run in the parade.

2nd VP Ray Ridlon reported that Adopt a Street Cleanup will be held on Wednesday October 30th meeting at Clifton Motors. All Lions are invited to participate and call Lion Ray if you can volunteer. Upcoming guest speaker will be from General Atomics with a presentation on predator drones technology.

1st VP Mercy Walters reported that our Lions Pancake Breakfast will be held this coming Sunday October 27th. Lion PP Don Anthony reported food supplies have been ordered and will be picked up on Saturday. Lion PP Dick Rogers was thanked for getting some good UT publicity and booking the Bluegrass music band. Please sell or give all your Pancake Tickets to friends and your business community.


Lion Tail Twister, Bob Acker, was given 3 minutes to collect as many quick Happy Dollars & Happy Dollar fines as possible. Most memorable Happy Dollars was from Lion Jeff Winters who gave a Happy $100 for the recent birth of his new daughter! If you missed out on sharing your Happy Dollars we will catch you next week!


Featured guest speaker was Jim Redman, Chief of Police City of El Cajon. Police Chief Jim has been with the department 26 years and past 2 years as the Chief of Police. We have come a long way since the 1980’s when there were a lot of illegal meth labs and labeled as the meth capital of the country. Good technology and a dedicated police force have seen a continuing decrease in crimes. #1 crime related calls are for Domestic Violence and #1 calls of complaint are for challenges with homeless issues. The East County Transition Living Project, a faith base organization had done good work in rehabilitation work with persons who are homeless.


Attendance Drawing Winner was Lion PP George Hurst who donated his winnings to our City of Hope.

Thanks to our fellow Lions & friends who were able to donate blood for our LEO’s Blood Drive.

Congratulations to Lion Jeff Winters & wife Irma for their new addition to their family with a new baby daughter!

Congratulations to Lion PP Gordon Bush for celebrating his 50th Anniversary with the El Cajon Valley Lions—if you get a chance call (619.995.6340) and congratulate Lion Gordon who is currently resides in Northern California.

See you all at our Lions Pancake Breakfast this Sunday October 27th from 8am to noon!!

And don’t forget that Lions Pin you wear on your collar represents that you belong to the greatest service organization in the world …the El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club!

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