El Cajon Valley Host Lions
October 8, 2012 31 Members and 4 Guests
Lion President Bill Sturgeon opened the meeting at 12:30pm with Lion PP Dr. Mark Krause joining Songmaster Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth in one of our favorites “Our grand ole Flag”. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Sharie Hoops. Prayer & Invocation was led by Lion 1st VP Kiley Grunstad. The Helen Keller Inspirational Thought for the Week was given by Lion Mike Wasyliw “Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature…Life is either a daring adventure or it is nothing at all!
Lion PP Gary Robinson introduced our guests that included: Cindy and Mike Buchanon, our featured guests with their 3rd visit and soon to be possible new Lion members. Charles La Greca and Jim Wellnite were welcome guests and racket ball buddies of Lion PP Dr. Mark Krause.
El Cajon Valley Lions Board Meeting will be held this Thursday October 11th 6pm at Hoban Property Management. All Lions are invited to attend. Thanks for keeping our City of Hope Cans filled at every one of our meetings.
Lion 3rd VP Ray Ridlon gave highlights of our Lions Annual Picnic that was held on October 7th at the Santee Lakes. There were 52 Lions & family & friends in attendance with great help from Lion Felina Balistreri and other Lions in organizing & setting up the event. Horseshoe Championship at the picnic was won by Lion Van Willsey & Lion Mike Raney beating Lion PP Mark Clifton & Angel Clifton. Our Lion Visitation Team will be going to the La Mesa Lions tomorrow 10-9-12 to promote our upcoming 24th Annual Pancake Breakfast and Car Show. Signups of attendees include: Lion PP Ray Hackworth & his beautiful wife Dorothy, Lion Mercy and Lion Paul Walters, Lion Sharie Hoops and Lion PP Ron Paris, Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth and Lion Mike Wasyliw. This is a great turnout for our Lions Visitation Team! Call Lion Chris Funtall or Lion Mike Wasyliw Visitation Co-chairs if you would like to join or participate in our Lions Visitation Team. Lion 2nd VP Mercy Walters had Lion Van Willsey give an update on our Lions Eyeglass Program. Lion 1st VP Kiley Grunstad gave an update on our 24th Annual Pancake Breakfast and Car Show on October 28th and encouraged all Lions to sell your tickets to family & friends in the community.
Lion Bob Acker made the rounds collecting plenty of Happy Dollars & Happy Fines from the following Lions: Lion President Bill Sturgeon gave a Happy $50 For his baseball team’s 2nd Place win in the Men’s Senior World Series Baseball Tournament—Congratulations & Kudo’s and thanks for bringing in the very impressive recognition Trophy! Lion PP Roger Stebleton gave a Happy $50 for his wife’s purchase of a new Lexus and their upcoming vacation trip to Hawaii. Lion Van Willsey gave a Happy $5 for the great time at our Lions Picnic and invited all Lions to look at our Lions Facebook Page which has 95 plus friends. Lion PP Bob Moreau gave a Happy $5 and shared an August 1969 news article that featured Lion PP Elmer Vierkant with no mention that he was a Lion! Lion 3rd VP Mercy Walters gave a Happy $5 to see our guests Mike & Cindy Buchanon for their 3rd visit and looking forward to having them as our soon to be new Lions. Lion PP Mark Clifton gave a Happy $1 for his 1st Wedding Anniversary and added another Happy $5 for their joyful year in marriage. Lion Paul Tremblay gave a Happy $5 for the beautiful photo with wife Sherrie at our Lions Picnic. Lion Mike Wasyliw gave a Happy $20 for his Bucket List “20 hr/21.5 miles/1 day” hike up Mt. Whitney and another $5 for missing the great Lions Picnic on Sunday. Lion PP Ray Hackworth gave a Happy $5 to recite his “broken thumb & massage golf joke!”.
Gregory Hart was our featured speaker giving a presentation on the proposed California High Speed Train Project that will link Los Angeles to San Diego via the Inland Empire and will take you from San Diego to San Francisco in less than 4 hours and from Los Angeles to San Diego in under 80 minutes. There were some good verbal exchanges, gentle jabs and friendly bantering on the pro’s and con’s of high speed bullet trains along with thoughts and opinions on all electric cars!
Lion Jeff Winters was the winner of our Attendance Drawing. Thanks again for all Lions & Families & Friends who attended our Annual Lions Picnic—Lionism is all about “serving along with having a lot of fun!” It was good to see Lion PP Dr. Mark Krause join us when he can at our meetings and hearing his strong “Pavoratti” singing voice at our meetings. And don’t forget that pin you wear on your collar represents that you belong to the greatest service organization in the world….The El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club “2011-2012 District 4L6 large Lions Club of the Year”.