El Cajon Valley Host Lions
August 26, 2013 28 Members and 0 Guests
Lion President Kiley Grunstad opened the meeting at 12:30 pm. Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth led our Lions in singing our National Anthem. Lion Ron Black led the Pledge of Allegiance. Lion PP Mark Clifton gave an uplifting Prayer & Invocation. Lion PP Ed Waymire recited an inspirational Helen Quote of the Week.
Lion Secretary PP Gary Robinson reported that Lions are calling for financial help for the Fires in Yosemite National Park. Lions International has sent $10,000 and asking our 62 Lions Clubs in District 4L6 to support the cause and send in some financial support to fight the fires.
Lion President Kiley Grunstad gave an update on rooms & logistics for upcoming Lions District 4L6 Convention in Yuma Arizona on May 1-4th 2014. Our El Cajon Valley Host Lions have reserved 15 rooms and added 16th room with sign up of Lion Roy “Rocco” Collura. Room reservations can still be made by RSVP through Lion President Kiley or you can call in your own reservation by calling the Yuma Hilton Garden Inn using our group code ECVL 14.
3RD VP Van Willsey reported that our Lions Visitations will commence starting in September. Lion Mike Wasyliw, Visitations Chair, is getting a team together to visit the North Park Lions on Wednesday September 4th at noon, Lions Club House 3927 Utah St. San Diego. Another September visitation is planned for Monday September 23rd to the Singing Hills Lions at 7pm at Coco’s Restaurant 1025 Fletcher Pkwy El Cajon. Call or email Lion Mike Wasyliw at 619.444.9240 or mjwasyliw@gmail.com to sign up for the visitations. Lion PP Don Anthony reported that our Lions Christmas Food Baskets Drive is looking at getting dry goods from the Salvation Army Food Bank at a greatly reduced prices.
2nd VP Ray Ridlon, excused absence. Lion Ray will be returning on Monday September 9th. Adopt a Street Community Cleanup will be held on Saturday September 7th meeting at Clifton Motors at 7:30am.
1st VP Report Mercy Walters reported updates on the Pancake Breakfast on October 27th. Please take posters, flyers and tickets. Lion PP Don Anthony reported there is progress with Lion Van Willsey & Lion Paul Walters in recruiting sponsors to purchase advertising space and banners to be displayed at the breakfast. The Lions Breakfast coincides with the Lions Governors meeting who will be personally invited by Lion 1st VP Mercy Walters to attend and support the event. Our Lions Monthly Board Meeting will be held on Thursday September 19th 6pm at PDG Len Blottin’s residence. All Lions are invited to attend and welcome to bring a pot luck dish for the meeting.
Membership & Retention Committee Report was given by Lion Paul Walters who announced that Lion 1st VP Mercy Walters, Lion PP Bruce Boorman and Lion Paul Walters will be attending the Chamber of Commerce 1st Friday Breakfast on August 30th 7:30am in the Ronald Reagan Community Center and upcoming Chamber Meeting on October 4th at the Steele Canyon Golf Course. All Lions are invited to attend the Chamber of Commerce functions to help promote our Lions Club and increase our membership & recruiting efforts.
Today is Lions Vest Day (last Monday of Month). Lion Tail Twister, Bob Acker, collected the following Happy Dollars & Happy Dollar Fines: Happy $1 fines for any Lion who forgot to wear their vests! Lion PP Mark Clifton requested our Tail Twister to assess some fines for the missing Lions at Lion PP Stoney’s 88th Birthday. Thanks to Lion PP Ron Paris, Lion Sharie Hoops, Lion PP Mark Clifton & Angel who attended and were featured in the East County Herald newspaper! Lion PP Ed Waymire gave a Happy $10 for a Happy to be here & missing his vest & missing the photo opportunity at Stoney’s Kids Anniversary & Birthday! A Happy Dollar fine was paid by a fellow Lion honoring 1st VP Mercy Walters who was recognized and recommended to be National Women of the Year with the National Association of Professional Women! Lion President Kiley Grunstad gave a Happy $5 for Lake Elsinore baseball game with 3 fellow lions that included Lion Dick Nasif and Lion Mike Raney! Lion PP Ray Hackworth gave a Happy $5 and promoted our Lions letter openers & ball point pens for all our Lions in the meeting! Lion Sharie Hoops gave a Happy $5 for relief of the baby skunk who got into her laundry room and did not spray! Lion Earl Irey gave a Happy $10 for his Drawing Winnings last week and put into our City of Hope Cans! Lion Frank Galkowski gave a Happy $5 for his nice vacation trip to Park City Utah! Lion 1st VP Mercy Walters gave a Happy $1 and happy to be at PDG Len Bottin’s home for the Installation of the Singing Hills Lions and also attending installation of our new Lions District Officers! Lion PP George Hurst gave an additional $4 Happy Fine for Lion 1st VP Mercy Walters weekly $5 Happy Dollars Fine Assessment! Lion PP Ray Hackworth gave a Happy $20 for his last week’s visit to Mercy Hospital! Lion PP George Hurst gave a Happy $7 (and his previous Happy $50) for his 57th Wedding Anniversary to his dear wife Beverly! Lion Roy “Rocco” Collura gave a Happy $6 for his High School Reunion!
Debra Lynn Hurst, scheduled featured speaker for today had a personal emergency and will return to speak soon. Lion President Kiley Grunstad gave a very uplifting speech on the state of our economy’s Woes & Goes! We are seeing our national economy increase at a modest growth rate of 2%, we are holding off on purchasing new vehicles and keeping them for 10+ years, sequestration has resulted in an estimated 1% reduction in economic growth—without any significant major impact, US corporations, to be competitive, are going more and more global—Coca Cola 80% offshore and Heinz Ketchup in India and Appliance Parts in Kentucky went to China 30 yrs. ago—but back manufacturing in the US, interest rates will not be raised until unemployment is below 6%, consumer confidence is still below average with a nervous positive consumer, every minute 50 families living below the poverty level are moving into the middle class. All in all we have a lot to be grateful for in our great country the United States of America!
August 30th Chamber of Commerce 1st Friday Breakfast Meeting*September 2nd Labor Day—no Lions meeting*September 7th Adopt a Street Community Cleanup*September 9th Foundation Meeting @6pm Jamacha Junction*September 19th Board Meeting 6pm @ PDG Len Blottin’s home,*October 4th Chamber of Commerce Meeting @ Steele Canyon Golf Course*October 27th Pancake Breakfast
Lion Ron Black won the Attendance Drawing and generously donated his winnings to the City of Hope.
Glad to see Lion PP Ed Waymire at our meeting today—you are much appreciated & much missed!
Join our Lions Visitation Team to visit the North Park Lions on Wednesday September 4th at noon and the Singing Hills Lions on Monday September 23rd 7pm—sign up and contact Mike Wasyliw, Visitations Chair 619.444.9240 mjwasyliw@gmail.com
A super congratulations to Lion PP George Hurst for 57 years of a happy marriage to his dear wife Beverly!
Congratulations to Lion 1st VP Mercy Walters who was recognized and recommended to be National Women of the Year with the National Association of Professional Women.
And don’t forget that Lions Pin you wear on your collar represents that you belong to the greatest service organization in the world…the El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club!