Newsletter 08/11/14

El Cajon Valley Host Lions

August 11, 2014            34 Lions and 5 Guests


Lion 1st VP Ray Ridlon, Acting President, opened the meeting at 12:30pm. Lion President Mercy Walters was on a much deserved cruise vacation with husband Lion Secretary Paul Walters. Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth, Song Master, led our fellow Lions in singing “you’re a grand ole flag!” Lion PP Bob Moreau led the Pledge of Allegiance. Lion Christian Willie gave an uplifting Prayer & Invocation. Helen Keller Quote of the Week was given by Lion Mike Wasyliw “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved”.


Lion IPP Kiley Grunstad introduced our 5 guests: Joe Corsi, guest of Lion Paul Walters and here for 2nd visit; Chris Bramwell, guest of Lion PP Bob Moreau and here for his 6th visit; Renee Hoban, guest of Lion PP Tom Hoban; Carl Larson, guest of a number of fellow Lions and Larry Wilske, our featured guest speaker.


Lion IPP Kiley Grunstad gave an open invitation to fellow Lions to join his family for their Open House & House Warming on Saturday August 23rd 3-6pm at 1365 Timberpond Drive El Cajon, Please RSVP to Linda 909.214.3632.

Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation Annual Member Meeting on Sunday September 14, 2015 at 1:30pm-4:00pm Knott’s Resort Hotel. Our Lions Board Meeting this Thursday August 14th 6pm at PDG Len Blottin Residence—all fellow Lions are invited. Stoney’s Kids 25th Anniversary & 89th Birthday of Lion Stoney Stone on August 21st  Sycuan Resort—we are reserving 2 tables. August 25th District Governor Mary Rynearson will visit our club. August 29th Padres Night—RSVP with Lion Warren McKenna.


Your participation & support of our Lions Visitation program are much appreciated. Thanks to the following Lions who attended the Visitation on August 6th to the Spring Valley Lions: Lion President Mercy Walters, Lion Secretary Paul Walter and Lion Mike Wasyliw. Next Visitation will be on Tuesday August 19th at noon to the La Mesa Lions 4975 Memorial Drive in La Mesa. To sign up, email or contact Mike Wasyliw, Visitations Chair at 619.444.9240 or We will try to visit at least 2 of our local clubs each month to promote fellowship, share highlights of our great club, learn what’s happening out there with our local Lions Clubs in District 4L6.


3rd VP Roy “Rocco” Collura, excused absence. Lion PP Bob Moreau gave an update on our Lions Annual Picnic that will be held on Saturday September 6th at the Moreau Ranch. All fellow Lions, families, grand & great grandkids are invited.

2nd VP Van Willsey reported that this month’s Adopt A Street has been cancelled and will resume next month.

1st VP Ray Ridlon reported that our new updated Membership Roster 2014-2015 booklets are available for all fellow Lions.


Lion PP Bob Moreau, Tail Twister, collected the following Happy Dollars & Happy Fines: Lion PP Tom Hoban gave a Happy $5 for taking his slightly damaged motor home in for some body work and found out that Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth used the same repair facility on a number of occasions! Lion PP Tom Normandie gave a Happy $2 to share a joke story about his good friend Lion PP Gary Sims! Our guest Carl Larson gave a Happy $10 for a happy to be moving back to the East County area! Lion PP Bob Moreau gave a Happy $10 for his grandson’s graduation from the Police Academy! Lion 2nd VP Van Willsey gave a Happy $5 for some awesome re-model work he is having done by Don Anthony Construction! Lion Mike Raney gave a Happy $5 for a trip to Gold Beach in Oregon and was given a warm welcome back! Lion PP Dick Rogers gave a Happy $10 for a visit to his son in Colorado and his wife Elizabeth’s visit to her son! Lion Cathy Bailes gave a Happy $2 for the nice Padres win yesterday! Lion Dave Huntamer gave a Happy $10 for an always happy to be here at our Lions meetings! Lion 1st Ray Ridlon gave a Happy $5 for some visitors who came by that he met on his recent cross country bike trip!


Lion 1st VP & Speaker Chair introduced our featured guest speaker this week Larry Wilske, Command Master Chief US Navy SEAL (ret.). Larry gave an inspirational presentation on “Leadership” and how we are called to train our upcoming and future leaders—especially by serving as good role models & good examples!


Attendance Drawing will be held off till next week. We had a very respectable 34 Lions in attendance along with 5 guests and a very well-run Lions Meeting.

Good to see Lion PP Hugh Cowan at our meeting today and hope you will be back soon.

SAVE THE DATES on your calendar for August 21st Stoney’s Kid’s & Lion PP Stoney Stone’s 89th Birthday at Sycuan Resort… August 29th Padres Game vs. LA Dodgers…September 6th our Annual Lions Picnic at home of Lion PP Bob Moreau.

All fellow Lions are invited to our monthly Board meeting this Thursday August 14th 6pm at home of PDG Len Blottin.

And don’t forget that Lions Pin you wear on your collar or blouse represents that you belong to the greatest organization in the world—the El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club!

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