Newsletter 08/26/19


August 26, 2019    Members:  32   Guests: 1

Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club



Prez Chris replete with cowboy hat

Song Master:  PP Jerry                                               Song:  God Bless America

Pledge of Allegiance: IPP Jeff Winters                       Invocation:  PDG Mercy


Quote by PP Bruce Boorman: “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.”



 El Cajon City Councilman/Deputy Mayor Steve Goble         

Good to See: EVERYONE



Councilman/Deputy Maor Steve Goble made a special trip to present a certificate from the City to the club regarding our new bench in Promenade Park.  Apparently he left it in his office at the dedication ceremony.

Sec Paul W announced some calendar updates


Bob Groff 8/1, Rod Streeper 8/3, Ron Snow 8/10, Tom Normandie 8/15, Paul Walters 8/19, Hugh Cowan 8/21, Abraham Muheize 8/27, Sharie Hoops 8/28.  Today PP Tom and Sec Paul had to endure our rendition of the Happy BDay Song.


EXEMPT BADGES: Daryl Priest, Phil Smith and Chris Bramwell


GOOD CHEER:  Missing you PP George Hurst – hope all is well with you     

IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be sent to them.


CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS:  *Unless otherwise noted all Meetings are Mon at Noon*


Sept 3rd – “First Tuesday” Meeting 6PM

Sept 6th – East County Chamber 1st Friday breakfast $28 7:15AM at Grossmont College. RSVP to the Chamber 619/440-6164

Sept 9th – District Governor Norm MacKenzie’s official club visit

Sept 11th – ECVH LC Board Meeting  Elks Lodge Conference Room 6PM SHARP

Sept 14th –  District 4L6 First Membership Meeting at Boys & Girls Clubs of San Marcos.Time TBA

Sept 30th – DARK – NO MEETING

Oct 5th – Club Picnic at Bramwell’s Estate  Time TBA

Oct 13th – ECVH LC Pancake Breakfast  Elks Lodge 8AM  Sign ups soon. Tickets available

Oct 26th – San Diego Center for the Blind White Cane Brunch – more info to come



3rd VP Carl Ruiz:


Lion Warren says Sept 20th is our Padre Night vs Arizona Diamondbacks. 


Mother Goose Parade theme is “Legends of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”.


2nd VP Gary Zink:  Eyeglass Chair Abraham says one SPOT machine has been placed at the Jamul Elementary School and another will be go to Mt. Empire


3rd VP Mike Raney:  Pancake Breakfast Committee meeting after club meeting on 9/9 (Monday).

Also several programs have already been lined up but keep the ideas coming to Mike.


PP RAY’S RAMBLINGS:  A gentleman made a visit to his hearing aid doctor and the doctor fixed his hearing aids so he could hear again.  He can now hear everything but didn’t tell his family the good news and the result is that he has changed his will 4 times.


HAPPY DOLLARS:  TT Bob ‘the Hatchet Man” Acker extracting dollars wherever possible:

Paul W $5 – good to see Steve Goble

Van $5 – his daughter has shipped out for training

Abraham – the San Diego Kings held their final game of the season yesterday at El Cajon Valley High School Gymnasium

Felina $5 – glad she was able to make it to the meeting today

Mike R – Sorry about George Mitrovich’s recent passing


Mercy $5 – Thanks to our club for being her ‘home club’ as DG.  Statewide, MD4, District 4L6 was #1 in membership growth last year and was the highest in gender parity.  She received a commendation from LCI President to acknowledge these accomplishments.

Bob G $5 – lost a friend recently

Steve Goble – ECPAC opens again in 2 weeks as “The Magnolia” on Tuesday Sept 10th there will be an Open House from 5-10PM.

Christian $5 – glad Steve is here and thanks for making things safer In El Cajon for him to ride his bike

Phil S $1-$20 – Happy about Queen Nation opening on 9/12 at The Magnolia

Gary S put in $2 to help Phil with the larger fine as he knows Phil must be short on money after seeing him at the local WalMart wearing his Rolling Stones shirt.

Chris also threw in another $5 to help out Phil

Roger $20 – going on or just got back from yet another vacation



 Warren McKenna told us a bit about himself.  He has been a Lion for 13 years.

At the age of 30 Warren worked for Radio Shack working on computers.  After he got fired from he decided being his own boss was the only way to go so he began his Computer Consulting business and has been happy ever since.  He is preparing to retire as Joan has recently done so.

Warren plays poker 3 days a week.

35 years ago he had a detached retina in his left eye.  Since then he found out Lions are ‘sight people’ so was happy to join our club.

25 years ago he started Go wherein he sells travel on the internet.  Try him for your next vaca planning.

Since Warren is an aficianado of good bourbon and his stash is getting low he is preparing for a trip to Kentucky to stock up – to the tune of 3 litres per day per person.

Also Warren suggests that if you are going to buy a car to get it through the Manheim Auction House in Kentucky as cars outside of CA cost so much less than here.  See him for more details.


Other websites to visit:  LionsDistrict4L6;;


Winner of Attendance Drawing:  Ed Waymire MIA so next week it will be $20

Winner of 50/50 Drawing: Mike Raney $51


***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***







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