July 29, 2019 Members: 33 Guests: 2
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Opening: Prez Chris, and still no bell.
Song Master: PP Jerry H Song: God Bless America
Pledge of Allegiance: Lion Jim Sing Invocation: Treas Paul T
Quote by PP Bruce Boorman: “While they were saying amongst themselves it cannot be done, it was done.”
Guests: Jay and Sandy Renard guests of PP Phil Smith
Good to See: Everyone – like a ray of sunshine!
Our President even said a few words.
Our new park bench unveiling/dedication at 1:30 today after lunch and a brief meeting at the downtown Promenade. A great group showed up and with City officials and several officers from the Police Department the ceremony and unveiling was great.
El Cajon Valley HS LEO Vanessa Nunez was selected as the International LEO of the Year.
More help is needed AT Camp Jack on the Sunday of our BBQ’s for the campers and staff. There were very few members there yesterday and it placed a burden on the few that showed up.
Due to low campership on the first session of Camp Jack there will be no fishing on Wed, July 31st.
David Reed 7/4, Dolores Galkowski and Ed Waymire 7/10, Mike Carleton 7/19, Paul Tremblay 7/26, Tom Hoban 7/31.
EXEMPT BADGE(S): Chris, Terry, David K, Tom H and Paul T
GOOD CHEER: All appears to be status quo and that’s a good thing.
IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be sent to them. Paris4L6@cox.net
CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS: *Unless otherwise noted all Meetings are Mon at Noon*
July 30 and Aug 1 – First week of fishing at Lake Cuyamaca for Camp Jack. 7AM
Aug 6, 7 and 8 – Second week of fishing at Lake Cuyamaca for Camp Jack. 7AM
Aug 6th – First Tuesday NIGHT MEETING 6PM
Aug 10th – Salvation Army Back to School Shopping Spree 8-10 AM at JC Penney’s. See Bonnie
Aug 14th – ECVH LC Board Meeting Elks Lodge 6PM
Aug 18th – Official Visitation from District Governor Norm McKenzie.
Oct 5th – Club Picnic at Bramwell’s Estate
VP REPORTS: 3rd VP Carl Ruiz: Editor’s Note: a fabulous Day at the Races and many thanks to PP Gary Sims for chairing this event. To make the day perfect PP Gary brought a big chocolate cake for our Birthday Boy Treasurer Paul Tremblay. Everyone who had the cake enjoyed it.
2nd VP Gary Zink: No Report
1st VP Mike Raney: Thanks to Lion Ron Black for the great job on our Board sweatshirts. PP Bruce says the Rosters will be ready next week.
Membership Chair Cathy Bailes: Encouraging everyone to ask our guests and friends to come back to a meeting – they may like us and want to join.
PP RAY’S RAMBLINGS: About a duck hunting lawyer from the city and a farmer.
Paul T $5 had a great time at Del Mar and accolades to PP Gary Sims for all his work on it and Carter Short donated $100 to the club or foundation, not sure which.
Mike C $20 proud of International LEO Vanessa Nunez.
Dorothy $? had a great vacation in Aspen
Ron B $5 HAD to go to Palm Springs last weekend and outside was HOT, HOT, HOT
Paul W $5 attended the District Installation last weekend
Mark C $100 his new driveway cost him $35,000 BUT he won nearly $500 at Del Mar.
Dick N $1 won nearly $30 at Del Mar (at least that’s his story today)
Bob G $5 fun time at Del Mar and hopes more members will show up at Camp Jack next year
Cathy B $? Didn’t make it to the races, Happy Birthday to Treas Paul and PP Van made a gate for them but she tripped over some wood he left in the driveway. Sore tooch but she’ll be fine
Ray H $10 for his great joke and Pres. Chris matched it with another $10
UPCOMING PROGRAM: 8/12 Cheryl Wilson from St Paul’s
Other websites to visit: LionsDistrict4L6; CALions.org; LionsClubs.org
Winner of Attendance Drawing: Arnold Martin $10
Winner of 50/50 Drawing: No drawing today
***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***