El Cajon Valley Host Lions
January 14, 2013 38 Lions and 1 Guest
***No Meeting Next Monday, Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day***
Lion President Bill Sturgeon opened the well-attended meeting at 12:30pm. Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth led our fellow Lions in singing “you’re a grand ole flag!” Pledge of Allegiance was proudly led by Lion Mike Wasyliw. Prayer & Invocation was recited by Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay. Inspirational Helen Keller Quote of the Week was given by Lion Ron Black.
Lion IPP Don Anthony introduced Brandon Bradley who was a guest of Lion Christian Willie, Membership Chair.
Lion PP Roger Stebleton performed an inspirational installation of our newest Lion David Huntamer. Lion Roger gave an uplifting overview of what Lions is all about and some awesome statistics that include: 1.368 million members, in 205 countries, with 145,500 Clubs and outstanding service projects that include our Lions Eyeglass Programs, Camp Jack, City of Hope, Christmas Baskets, Mother Goose Float—just to name a few. Along with the great ways to serve, our Lions find there are plenty of ways “to have fun & fellowship”: our Casino Night, Pancake Breakfasts, Christmas Party, Day at the Races, Padre Night, Aztec Games, Steak Fry, etc.
MD4 Convention will be held in Sacramento Feb 8-10th. PP Lion Hugh Cowan is “alive & well” and will share his inspirational story on Lionism this afternoon. Lion Hugh will be moving out of the area to National City with his wife Lois. PP Gordon Bush will be moving to his new address: 20100 Verde Drive Apple Valley, Ca. 92308 ph#(619)995-6340. Spring Valley Lions Cupid’s Wine Tasting Fun(d) Raiser will be held on Sunday February 17th San Pasqual Winery-La Mesa Tasting Room 8364 La Mesa Blvd with tickets only $20. Contact: Lion Liz Tamez 619.708.3886. Foundation Board Meeting on Tuesday January 15th at Por Favor Restaurant 6pm. No Lions Meeting on Monday January 21st Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday. Student Speaker Contest on Monday January 28th 6pm at the Ronald Regan Community Center. Our Lions will not be having their noon meeting on January 28th—hope to see everyone at the Lions Student Speaker Contest that same evening! Please continue to fill the City of Hope Cans with your generous dollars. This year’s City of Hope Visitation will be on Palm Sunday March 25th—see Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay to sign up. Tuesday February 26th El Cajon Citizen of the Year will honor Sunshine Horton noon to 2:30pm at the Ronald Regan Community Center. Lion Paul Tremblay gave an updated Treasurer’s Report and expressed that to date we are doing fine financially and $300 ahead of budget.
3rd VP Ray Ridlon announced our Lions Foundation Meeting to be held on Tuesday January 15th. There is a need to replace our Lions Float Vehicle for next Mother Goose Parade. Recommendation was made to possibly replace with a flatbed trailer & tow truck. A Lions Float Committee consisting of Lion Jeff Winters, Lion Van Willsey, PP Lion Mark Clifton and 3rd VP Lion Ray Ridlon will meet and make recommendations at an upcoming meeting.
2nd VP Mercy Walters reported that the Adopt a Street Cleanup will be held on Saturday January 26th at 7:30am and will meet at Clifton Motors. Lion Paul Walters, Student Speaker Contest chair, gave an update on the Speech Contest January 28th which has 4 speakers confirmed and 1 pending speaker. Lion PP Ron Paris graciously agreed to help co-chair our Lions Social Services during medical absence of Lion Frank Galkowski.
1st VP Kiley Grunstad and 3rd VP Ray Ridlon gave an update on a possible on line Auction fundraising “Bidding for Good” that could be used for our Casino Night and other Lions events. A number of organizations have used this venue which would include an annual $600 registration fee plus approx. 9% of fundraising proceeds. Lion 3rd VP and Lion 1st VP will conduct further research and interview local organizations using the “Bidding for Good” On Line Auction Services. We have a strong need for a continuous chair for our Lions Casino Night event. A recommendation was made to look at an additional Annual Fundraiser Cruise Trip with possible collaboration and assistance from Triple AAA.
Lion PP Ray Hackworth, Camp Jack Chair, gave an uplifting update on the upcoming July 2013 Camp Jack Program. “Wall of Wine” Raffle Fundraiser tickets are available for $5 each or 5 tickets for $20 to help raise approximately $5,000. Our El Cajon Valley Lions are the 2nd largest benefactor of the Camp Jack Program (with SD Downtown Lions the 1st largest benefactor). Other 4L6 Lions Clubs that have generously funded camp scholarships and actively help at the camp include: La Mesa Lions, Heartland Lions, Singing Hills Lions, North Park Lions, etc. Lion Ray’s goal is to send 144 at risk kids to Camp Jack/Ray this year! Please purchase the raffle tickets and support one of our premiere Lions Club projects in 2013!! Letters from some of the kids at Camp Jack 2012 included: “…the Lions Club Rock!…I will love this camp forever!…”I had a great camping experience and loved the fishing!”
Lion PP Ray Hackworth, Joke Master, kicked off the Happy Dollars and shared his Joke of the Week. Tail Twister, Lion PP Gary Sims, collected the following Happy Dollars & Happy Dollar Fines: Lion PP Tom Hoban gave a Happy $20 to have PP Hugh Cowan express his thoughts and experiences with the El Cajon Valley Lions. Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay gave a Happy $5 to honor his 92 year young grandmother and his joy of grand parenting. Lion Sheri Hoops gave a Happy $5 for missing last week’s Lions meeting. Lion PP Hugh Cowan gave a Happy $5 for walking without a cane and expressed that “it’s better to be seen—than viewed!” Lion PP Walt Simmons gave a Happy $10 Wishing all a Happy New Year and for SD Chargers new GM. Lion PP Roger Stebleton gave a Happy $5 for his recent golf trip to Cabo and another Happy $20 for his upcoming 4 month vacation to Costa Rica!. Lion PP Gary Sims gave a Happy $100 donation to our Lions Foundation in honor of his sister who recently passed away at the young age of 52 years. Lion PP Bill Sturgeon gave a Happy $8. Lion Mike Buchanan gave a Happy $1 for our newest Lions member David Huntamer—and distinction that he is no longer the newest current member! Lion Ray Ridlon gave a Happy $10 for our Lions Foundation Trustees. Lion PP Elmer Vierkant gave a Happy $ and expressed that he is going on 84 years, likes to be abreast of everything and shared his Dolly Parton joke.
Lion PP Hugh shared his experiences since joining the El Cajon Valley Lions in 1972 when on joining he was appointed the Mother Goose Parade Float Chair and had the distinct pleasure of assembling two floats with illustrious Lions that included Lion Benny, Jim Arbaugh, Rod Franklin and other great fellow Lions. In 1977 I was persuaded or “strong-armed” to accept the position of Lion President succeeding Lion PP Gordon Bush. “… Lionism has been an incredible experience for me and it has been really fun to part of your Lions Club…I’ll try to visit you when I can… and once again, I had a lot of fun & vigor with all you Lions! Please keep in mind all our fellow Lions who are sick or in distress or cannot attend our meetings—call them and when you can, help bring them to our meetings. AMEN!” P.S. “We sure will miss you Lion PP Hugh Cowan!!!
Attendance Drawing was won by Lion 1st VP Kiley Grunstad. And don’t forget that pin you wear on your collar represents that you belong to the greatest service organization in the world…the El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club ”2011-2012 District 4L6 large Lions Club of the Year”. Keep Lion Frank Galkowski in your Thoughts & Prayers for a speedy recovery from his recent stroke along with other fellow Lions who are sick, in distress or unable to attend our Lions Club Meetings. God Bless Lion PP Jim Roelof and may he Rest in Peace.
A Celebration of Life & Memorial Service will be held for Lion Past President Jim Roelof on Monday January 28th 2pm at the El Cajon Mortuary 684 South Mollison El Cajon. Also, The El Cajon Elk’s Lodge will honor Lion PP Jim Roelof and his brother Ralph on January 28th at 7pm. All Lions & Families are invited and encouraged to attend.