Newsletter 03/11/19


March 11, 2019
Members: 34 Guests: -0-

Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club

Opening: Prez Jeff

Song Master: 1st Veep Chris        Songs: God Bless America & Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Pledge of Allegiance: PP Walt    Invocation: Lion Boni

Helen Keller quote by PP Bruce Boorman: “Faith is the strength by which a sheltered world shall emerge into the light.”

Guests: Only our Program speakers

Good to See: Boni Kelsey, Rob Ransweiler, Ray Ridlon


Sec Paul showed us the banner patch we were awarded – the Club Excellence Award from LCI. Thanks Sec Paul for submitting our name for consideration. Governor Mercy Walters presented PDG Len Blottin with a Certificate of Appreciation from MD4 for Best Large Club Nominee.


Christian Wille 3/3, Rocco Collura 3/8, Marge Nelson 3/30

EXEMPT BADGE: PP Ron Snow and PP Mark Clifton

GOOD CHEER: And so it would seem all is well among our members, thank goodness.

IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be sent to them.

CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS: *Unless otherwise noted all Meetings are Mon at Noon*

MAR 13th – Board Meeting Elks 6PM – come early for special $14 dinner 5:15PM

Mar 16th – Heartland Zone Student Speakers Contest at Lemon Grove Library 3001 School Lane in Lemon Grove 2:30 PM

Mar 16th – Lions Eyes Across America-help sort eyeglasses at PP Len’s business. See Paul W

Mar 20th – NE Region Student Speakers Contest at Grossmont Healthcare District Auditorium 9001 Wakarusa in La Mesa behind Grossmont Hospital 5:30PM

MAR 25th – Jt. Meeting with ECV High School LEO Club – campus library 11:30 AM.

Mar 31st – ECVH LC to City of Hope – See Treas Paul T

APRIL 2nd – First Tues evening meeting 6PM Elks Lodge

APRIL 10TH – Board Meeting in Conference Room 6PM

May 3rd – 4th District Membership Meeting in Yuma

May 4th-5th – District Convention in Yuma. See PP Yvonne for registration and details.


3rd Veep Gary Zink: Progress

2nd VP Mike Raney: Progress

1st VP Chris Bramwell:

Paul Tremblay reports he has the tickets for Gunsmoke IX. Posters and flyers are available also.

City of Hope tour and lunch sign up sheet is available at meetings. 10 openings and a couple of spots will open..

Chris reports 79 people have signed up for our Installation and there is 1 seat remaining to meet our minimum – Maximum is 80 attendees total.

Membership Chair Cathy Bailes: No Report

PP RAY’S RAMBLINGS: A man goes to see a Rabbi and says his wife is going to poison him. The Rabbi offers to visit with her and did so for about 3 hours hoping to determine why the man is so concerned. The next time the Rabbi sees the man he says “take the poison”.


Walt $5 – nice to see PP Ray

Chris $10 – Happy PP Ray is here today

Keith $5 – Happy both PP Ray’s are here and he and Cathy are doing a Vegas trip to see Cher

Ray R $20 – glad to be at the meeting but his hearing is not 100% yet from the Flu-TALK LOUD

Rob $5 – daughter was home this weekend and proved Rob is still King of the Beer Pong Table

Mercy $5 – Happy for a successful Third Membership Meeting this past weekend

Len $5 – Good to see PP Ray R back and looking good

Boni $5 – Sean had a total hip replacement and all is good now

Gary S $5 – The “Dick Nasif Sunday” and Gary won $600 at the casino

Phil S $5 – got to hangout with Paul Tremblay at Plumeria Society get together yesterday and

Paul T $5 – won a plant at the Plumeria Society get together Sunday and bought 2 cuttings

Rocco $5 – would pay someone to name an Australian Plumeria – no results!

Tom H $20 – Went to Las Vegas Wed for a basketball game with Normandie and Thiem Jr

PROGRAM: Monica Zech El Cajon Public Information Officer and El Cajon Planner Lorena Cordova. Topic “El Cajon City Climate Action Plan”.

Lorena said Federal mandates prevail for local planning purposes. City Planners look to grants for capital improvement projects. The City is working on a Climate Action Plan and hopes to get grants to fund the plans. They should have an EIR and the plan as prepared by outside consultants by the end of March to be presented to the City Council in June for adoption.

Monica said the new Gateway Newsletter is sent to all residents of El Cajon. ECPAC is being renovated and should be completed by May (it has an elevator now). Live Nation will begin productions by September.

Other websites to visit: LionsDistrict4L6;;

Winner of Attendance Drawing: Skip Kiefer $10 MIA

Winner of 50/50 Drawing: Dick Nasif $57 – donated half to our club Foundation

***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***


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